
That's what I figured. There were two of them. Wish I got a pic. All the pics I can take are of Ford vehicles...

Are these being sold yet? I saw two of them last sunday, in Hartland, MI, at an intersection about to turn left. I first thought they looked really odd because I've never seen them before. But then it dawned on me....RENEGADE!!! I actually shouted that too.

I was there a couple of weeks ago. I seriously hope it gets renovated. It looks fantastic....

I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem...

Mr president, how could I not? the wiener mobile is sacred to us Americans. We do not joke about the wiener mobile. I mean, that's how most of the wars were started. They made fun of it, so we sent soldiers to their capital.

I feel like there should be a ice cream truck in that motorcade. You know, in case the president wants ice cream or something. I mean, who doesn't like ice cream?

I love Detroit, and I'm so glad the current project I'm on is working in downtown Detroit. I love looking at the window and seeing the river, the older buildings amongst the new ones.

So I dialed 911, and now there's a bunch of police cars outside my window.....are these two things related?

Suburban FIAT, dba Suburban Alfa Romeo, Ann Arbor, Mich.

As a millennial, I plan on being loyal as well....right after students loans....and i can get one used for a fair price and decent mileage.

Do you take pride in anything? Is there something that you are really proud of? That's what it's like here in GM country, they take massive pride that their relative help build the car, or they are supporting the state/local industry.

Also, choosing the right "brand". I know it may sound silly, but I live in Michigan. It's home to GM, Ford, and Chrysler.

I wouldn't say employees are to blame, it's the guys in charge and decision makers to blame. The employers are listening to their manager, hoping they know best. Now I bet they are questioning them though .

I thought of that too. But I'm willing to bet GM doesn't care about that too much...they just don't want a name to the deaths.

I can understand that GM is trying to do damage control here. But to not reveal those 13 names? Thats...business politics and it's disgusting! For all we know that number was pulled out of thin air! It's ridiculous that GM refuses to document it's sources. That's a high school paper requirement.

I discovered that my great aunts hhr crashed for similar reasons. I asked her to explain what happened during the crash, and what she said sounded like the issues at hand. She wasn't even aware of the issue til I posted it on Facebook.

use bleach to clean it. How hot dogs are made is pretty disgusting, they are still delicious , so I'll gladly ignore the whole 'intestine' stuffed with meat part.

A ponytail, maybe? Can Alaskan's be red neck? These are questions that need answers. Its very important, the fate of Alaska depends on it. Because, quite honestly, we don't need any more red neck states. If an Alaskan goes outside in a wife beater, ripped jeans, and a mullet, screaming " 'Murica", they will all die

That is what it is exactly. An 'Murican feather in our Canadian hat.

We'll work on it....while we're wearing our awesome hat!1!!1!!