
.....So your America's hat?

I thought the next step was to recall vehicles in the '90s. That's what half the cars are here in MI.

May I present to you, this lovely state....

Well, they seem to be going overboard right now with the recalls. Its a gesture saying "we now know you prefer being alive" and "let us make amends for our wrongs" and my favorite, "please trust us". Its a business though, with its priority being making money. But to make money, you have to have living customers, plus

I believe Bigfoots is plural (don't quote me though). Here is a link for sightings in my county. The one in '78 is actually a mile or so from where I live. Once I found this report, I decided that I will now keep some weapons by the back door, just in case. Right now there is a bokken (for blunt attacks) and a

It will be interesting to see if GM keeps this kind of behavior up in 3 to 5 years. If they will learn a lesson here, or revert to their old ways.

Ha, that is so true. I (technically) work in East Lansing, and the roads are pretty decent. Spreading outwards, it starts to go downhill. i69 through Flint is really bad.

Well, all I know is local. But I am glad to hear MI isn't the only one suffering.

I wonder how derogatory of a term it really is...

I'm not that bad of a driver, not great though...

So I'm a cornbread then? In Warren, MI, white people were called crackers. When I moved to FL, I discovered that crackers there meant people born and raised in FL.

So, it seems like MI has a couple of bad apple cities and such....we can't be the only state right? I mean, there's 49 other states where cities are in the same predicament. I work in Lansing, and it doesn't seem that much different than Flint. In appearance at least.

this is new...

I mean, look at her facial expression. Not sure if its the angle or what, she looks a bit smug. Sort of like yolo or swag (i hate both). Her friend on the other hand, looks like she learned her lesson.

So I read that Ford has done this in the past ? Oh well. It'll look awesone on the Challenger. The idea sounds wicked. If only they can make it lighter....

She has learned nothing, I guarantee it. Which is really sad...

HIGH SCORE!!! WINNER!!!1!!!1!!!!!

I think they are trying to go for a high score here.

Its like he is trying to get everyone to hate him on purpose.

Can I have a ride when it comes?