
Nice, really informative. I was born in the U.P., but raised a troll. My parents first house was in Roseville. Where we were....it was a bit ghetto (10 mile I believe). I think my parents moved out of Roseville because of our jerk of a neighbor doing stupid things such as throwing (metal) nails into our backyard. We

You can think about the Corvettes, but the guy in the next lane going into yours in his flaming Sierra will quickly remind you of the other models.

Disclaimer, my grandpa used to work for GM, um, i think Ac Spark Plug. Anyways, he only buys GM cars. I think he has a Terrain Denali right now, which is real nice. That or Cadillac or Buick. His cars were always nicer than my parents cars (which were most of the ones I listed). Also, I heard he wasn't too happy that

It's hard for me to judge GM on the cars I've driven, because I've mostly known/driven American cars; a Saturn Sl2 (parents), a Dodge Neon (parents), '00 Malibu (parents), '05 Toyota Corolla (dad's), '00s Kia Rondo (mom's), and my own car a '08 Pt Cruiser. The quality seems ok, but I've never experienced 'higher'

But still not living :)

.....So what will GM do to make up the lost money? I really hope they don't let go a lot of people to 'save money'. MI's economy is suffering enough as it is. I pray they just bite the bullet and just keep going....

So do these stickers indicate that everyone on-board is dead?

Roll down the window and put it in the back seat? Put it in the trunk, or bed (if you have a truck).

Neutral: Its tough to say. I thought GM was done with the recalls, since they issued so many, they touched everything they could to cover their own butt. But the recall that was issued this week.....it seems like they are freaking out trying to show the customers that 'they care'. But what happens when the heat is off

nice catch!

Aww, it has bags underneath its eyes...its sleepy...

That actually looks like a lot of fun!

I know some of the older dogs are more tame, and listen better to their owners. But does a stranger know that? How could they know? Not all dogs are friendly, just like people.

I live on a campground, where the rules state all dogs must be on a leash. That being said, my wife and I are the only couple I've seen with a leashed dog. People don't want to take the time to walk their dog. Sure, its a pain to walk a dog so much, but its a responsibility you had to undertake when you got the dog.

So sport mode changes the settings of a car to make it more 'sporty'? I can't describe how uncomfortable I am with that. I may drive jalopnik's arch-enemy, a pt cruiser, but I know my car. I know how long it takes to a accelerate, how wide the turning radius is, the breaking distance on pavement, where it shifts (it

the worst one is the one where the presenters aren't passionate about cars, and give the audience a lackluster performance.

thank you for informing me sir and/or mam. can i borrow $100?

I have talked to other people about the recall, they don't seem to care too much. Or on the flipside, they entrust in GM to fix the problem. When I found out the Acadia recall (airbags), I quickly texted my grandparents to see what they drove (it wasn't Acadia, i think it was a Terrain Denali); they told me recalls

I'm so glad it isn't mine, :D

Spoiler alert: the purpose of the exercise is to drive home a metaphor for a cloud computing/data company. Their customers can have "size" and "agility." Get it?