
I think its because we drive out of habit. We do it so much we forget out the 'x factor', or the variables that are randomly inserted like something being in the way, when we're backing up, or a car in the lane we are switching too.

If anything, its an incentive to park there if there is remaining time. And when I run out of time, I would freak out and put in some more coinage. Otherwise, I'd play the game "lets find a free parking space".

Yeah I figured (what ever happened to the original van[s]). I was just surprised because everything else is perfect except that part.

I just noticed, in both of those pics the lights in front of the grill are in different places.

A thought just occurred to me, can these things be replicated with a minivan? I wouldn't mind driving one if I felt comfortable in it.

I would buy a van just to convert it to that.

but would it be as fun as that car?

I didn't like vans... But I think that's changing....

How come you guys aren't on Netflix? I've been enjoying the U.K. version, but i've been missing you guys (no cable at house).

Reading this just saddens me. It also brings up another important subject; parents, don't let this kind of behavior happen to your kid(s). kids under my age (27), seem to think the world is their oyster, they can do what ever they want, with no reprocations. Not everyone is like this though, but it's a stupid disease

We'll, it seems like if trial will take place, it won't do much damage to the family, or make them figure how stupid they are . In my book, 2nd best is to bankrupt them as much as I could. "Oh did I say $50,000? I meant $500,000".

....She really needs to let him finish his statements.

I never any of this growing up in Warren. But now I want to make it my goal to see it next year. :)

....this is one of the saddest AOTD list I have ever read...

This all makes no sense, why are people angry now and not before? Clarkson has always said and done things that 'pushed the limit', hasn't he? So why does it seem that, all of a sudden, people have their panties in a knot and are complaining? Is it because the media already has a spotlight on him? That he said two

Yes, I wish to fork over $20k for a night in a airplane. No, I don't need a new car, nor died my daughter need the money for college, and the poor people in need can starve. I NEED to have this temporary thing, it's calling my name!

I fully agree with you, But I just don't to miss anything!

I can understand where you're coming from. I check the site while I'm at work; namely between waiting for a program to compile, during a meeting, or lunch time. Post with scantily dressed ladies tend to be the first post on the popular discussion pane, FYI.

Well, I'm going to think twice about lending out my car again....

Their takeaway from this: don't lift.