
I think I prefer the 'catch a tiger by it's toe' version better anyways. Sure you can catch a person by there toe, but where's the fun in that? Big whoop. Now, if you caught a tiger by it's toe, I'm impressed. That's at least 300+ lbs of pure killing machine, with claws that will disintegrate your body in seconds,

I prefer to think of it as 'kissing' the curb, while making erotic 'scraping' noises.

That doesn't look like much ground clearance to me....

...as a reason why many white residents will never travel south of 8 Mile.

This sculpture is pretty good, i like it. The one on top, i can see where the got the orgy idea.

See, I didn't know that Britain did that. All our schools taught were U.S. history, and barely even the state history (MI). It seems to be, that most public school systems only teach about American history, which sucks.

Well, I couldn't have two drink references in the same sentence...

We could be, we tend to be idiots over here. Or, more likely, I misspoke and typed it wrong. Probably the former...

Ha, true. But is there nothing else? That could be said of anyone. I hear the British are people with bad teeth, have an elitist syndrome, and do nothing but drink tea all day long. :)

Nissan still makes big pickup trucks.......woah they do! Nissan Titan. I'm pretty sure Nissan is in the toilet as well, but Toyota might be on the edge laughing at them...just saying...

Ha, where are you, the U.K.?

Where are the Toyota Tundra sales? I'm curious about that.

I really like this quote.

I've noticed that as well. I wouldn't mind visiting there though. I think learning about the culture there would be fascinating, especially with how it differs from the U.S.

psshh, I think Mexicans are awesome. I love the culture, enjoy the music, adore the language (though I still can't speak it).

Thats....a good point. I'll keep that in mind, thanks.

He is an amazing entertainer. I love his antics, they are hilarious. Though, I will give him credit for mixing up who he chooses to pick on. I honestly expect Clarkson to be vulgar, it wouldn't be the same if he wasn't. It was just something.

I could very well be, and I realize that they are jokes. its humorous, don't get me wrong, but not all Americans are fat. and we do enjoy straight roads, I'll give him that. but we are on a continent bigger then they are. maybe i should write the top gear office a letter, asking them to change up their insults at

I love Top Gear, its an entertaining show. But I have the sinking suspicion that he is a bit racist, or maybe all British people are; I honestly have no idea, I've never been there. It could all be for ratings though...

if i remember correctly, its a stage for a outdoor play.