
Isn't Texas where most of the pickups in the U.S. reside? That'll be like saying A VW Passat is MI's car of the year.......i should look into that....i'm worried now...

When he played back a recording where he addressed Alex's spirit, both he and Deanna sale they heard a male voice.

I like the franchising page. and i quote...

I remember watching Top Gear and they showed the Cadillac Sixteen. My wife was watching, she got all excited, asked "do they actually make that?" I had to look it up, then tell her, "i'm really sorry honey....".

Ah, thank you. It was a nice sleep.

Born in '87, it was on display in '99, so I would be 12, so young yes. Blind, debatable. Besides the concept was better looking than the production model.

sweet, I'll have to make my way out there then, somehow....it's only like an hr and a half drive ...

My father-in-law works for Chrysler, I should ask him if he knows anything.

I haven't been to Detroit in ages, reading this article reminded me of all the stuff I missed while visiting my dad (he worked out of Detroit for ~18 yrs, before he was shipped to Fort Myers). Do they still have the auto shows there? Those were the best. I still remember the Pontiac Aztec and Plymouth Prowler on

I don't think it will sell too well. I've never heard of Alfa until I started watching Top Gear this past year. I like the Alfas, they are different from other cars. But here in America, I have a feeling that *most* everybody will think 'eww its ugly' and not buy it, judging it on how it looks, and not what it can do.

this, by a long shot. it's different, it's quirky, it's got personality. sign me up.

I tend to think of a wagon/estate being the final form of a car. With the ute being second to last final form.

I like how its a tall, metal object in the middle of a field. The natural territory of lightning...

Ah sweet! You're right, that does look easy! I'm gonna go home and try it right now!

One thing that is predictable about One Piece is that the final boss of the saga, Luffy fights him, loses, won't give up, fights again, and whoops the guy. That being said, I still love One Piece because of the journey of the battle. Luffy, to me, is the underdog. His power is creative, yes, but compared to some of

if I see this on the road, instant respect. I'd let it overtake me anytime.

make sure the electricity doesn't go out, you don't want the animals out of their cages....

I agree. the guy looks so happy waving his arms around. I watch to be that happy!

I'm thinking, I could use some Tesla pants....

I think its because it America we have so many rules and regulations, we have to have organization to everything. Then there is the idiot who doesn't care, runs a red, and gets hit by traffic because he simple couldn't follow a rule.