
In all seriousness, how do you rationalize the accusations of racism of its founder ? Do you believe that the accusations are false or do you believe that it was simply inline with what many other eugenics proponents wanted or perhaps something else ?

I’m sure he knows more than is being released at the moment, he wouldn’t call it unless he was pretty sure. Especially after Trump seemed to predict it a few weeks back.

And you’re already wrong, when a child is pointing to her parts, it’s not the vagina that they’re seeing, but possibly the labia, the vulva, or the clitoris (depending on what they’re pointing at).

Is there no possibility that this survey was biased in some way that slanted the results ?

Oprah is great and all, but so many other great female POC actors out there.

THIS. I was looking for a comment like this. They should have had her standing alongside the bull (or riding the bull), not opposing it. The bull is a positive thing on Wall Street. If they wanted to show opposition it should have been against a bear.

I hadn’t seen any difference in the number of people commuting to work in the NYC area. My office has the same number of women as it normally has. A few ladies I asked about it weren’t even aware of the day.

No one has an issue with the lily-white photo posted. Sure doesn’t look like the NYC that I know.

Convenience tends to trump security. Open ports aren’t really an issue since most attacks are by bots sniffing around. In the case of open ports for SSH, they can bang on the door all they want but as long as you have strong PWs or better yet using SSH authentication keys, and they’ll never get in. Combined with

I would carefully read the Dataplicity privacy policy

Doesn’t VNC require you to open port 5900 ?

How about using SSH ?

I’m hoping she’s addressing the complaint that people make about the problem with comedy movie trailers. They typically show all the funniest scenes and the rest of the film sucks.

I completely understand you. If this is not using SMS, good. There are many sites with 2FA that use SMS and that is certainly flawed.

Unless you’re on wifi overseas, you are either going to need a local SIM card or an international calling plan with data, because you’re going to be roaming, and if you use your US phone while roaming in another country, that gets $$$. Most people I know when traveling overseas put their phones on airplane mode and

While better than nothing, I find this 2 step authentication more risky than the two factor authentication which is already supported by Google using either the Google authenticator app or using something like the Yubikey.

I didn’t see this mentioned in your article, but very importantly, bond prices go down in value when interest rates rise.

It’s all about the money. Movies will star whoever can make the studios m0ney. It has nothing to do with the gender/ethnic percentages in the US, especially since markets are now international. The Asian market, especially China, exerts enormous pressure on the studios. While stories involving race/gender issues and

It’s nice and refreshing to see the outpouring of support to correct this wrongdoing, but being familar with that area, I’m a little skeptical that this damage was done by some type of neo-Nazi type group

Sweet, just got a $50 Lowe’s gift card for $41.37

Sweet, just got a $50 Lowe’s gift card for $41.37