Latinos are only fair recent “locals”. They displaced the Czech “locals” who displaced the Irish and German “locals” who displaced the American Indian “locals”...
Latinos are only fair recent “locals”. They displaced the Czech “locals” who displaced the Irish and German “locals” who displaced the American Indian “locals”...
Did the father die in that USAir Flight 427 in Pittsburg yet ?
Nothing you say is illegal (in the US), except things that can cause actual danger, like yelling fire in a crowded theater, etc. What you say might get you fired from your job, but it can’t get you thrown in jail.
Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but you can send both SMS/MMS messages from your desktop using email.
Here is the main thing one needs to understand about American football: You have 4 attempts to go 10 yards, if you make it at least 10 yards, the counter (the downs) restarts.
I’m beginning to think most of these bias attacks, racist graffitti, etc without any type of actual evidence are complete bullshit caused by troublemakers on both sides.
This seems needlessly complicated. To send an email to a text, there are ways from most carriers. For example to send email as an SMS to an ATT subscriber, if the phone number is 555-123-4567, use or to email sending an MMS you can use
It’s incredible how ill informed the average reader on this site is.
Can you just keep the location services set to Never for the app and just turn it on when you use Uber, and turn it off again when your ride is done.
No, it’s not. It’s about bragging about taking advantage of drunk women. Drunk women cannot give consent. Just because he said something a few days ago that you happen to agree with, doesn’t give him a pass on this.
I wish you could be as carefree in your criticism of Islam as you are with Catholicism. Despite Islam’s very poor treatment of women around the globe, you’ll continue picking the easier target.
Many education programs require you to work in disadvantaged neighborhoods for a period of time.
While she shouldn’t have said what she did, I can understand what led her to that level of frustration. Students are unwilling to learn and show the respect to the teachers. Harlem Park Middle school is among the worst areas in Baltimore. Gangs, drugs, single parent homes (if even that), crime, poverty are the real…
You will be called a troll, and be dismissed into the oblivion
Of course, but I am BS-ing like everyone else, but I’m trying in some small way, by mentioning alternatives, like getting out to vote, and contacting your local representatives, etc. The average commentor here (present company excluded), is simply complaining to their fellow Jezebeler, and accomplishing very little…
Sorry if you perceived this as an insult, it was not meant to be. Of course, I think you should be free to vote for whomever you wish, for whatever reason you wish.
The constitution which you are so quick to say contains bullshit, is the same one that allows you to say such a thing without fear of reprisal. There is a mechanism to change it, through amendments to the Constitution. If people spend less time bullshitting on silly sites such as this, where you are talking to a group…
Shouldn’t you be more ashamed of the 10% of black women who supported Trump ?
Impeachment requires a simple majority in the House, followed by a 2/3 majority in the Senate. If you think that will happen in the Republican controlled Congress, you are living in a fantasy world.
Hillary lost because Democrats didn’t support her the way they supported Obama. She had 59 million votes as to Obama’s 69 million votes in 2008 and nearly 61 million votes in 2012. Blacks too, didn’t throw their sizeable political clout to Hillary, the way they did for Obama, perhaps racism, laziness, or general…