
The types of people this series would appeal to are the same types of people that can find other ways to watch it without CBS All Access. My prediction is that CBS’s streaming site will have such poor subscription numbers that the show will be cancelled after the second season. It would have been sooner but the first

Really any podcast on topics like politics, history, culture, science, current events, etc. will help make you a well rounded person that employers would be interested in.

Most germs found on the kitchen floor are harmless, and eating such dropped food would only help strengthen the immune system.

Yes, NY area suburban cops make a shitload of money, but NYPD receive a starting base salary of $41,975. Considering how much more dangerous their job is compared to their suburban counterpart, they have a terrible time recruiting. They will actually hire people convicted of non-violent misdemeanors. If you have a

Many HS kids work after school (or have sports), and leaving school later means going to work later which means getting home to do homework later which means getting to bed later which means being sleepy in the morning. It’s a no win situation.

Ah yes, and that language thing, how come all these past lives speak English ? They should really have perfect knowledge of the language which was actually spoken in the land where they were from. You’ll convince me that it’s legit, if you claim you were a merchant in Ur, if you suddenly you could speak the

Main reason why I don’t believe this is that most stories I have heard the person was always some historical figure, royalty, great warrior, celebrity, etc. Since 99% of the world’s population has historically been nobodies, I’m calling BS. I have yet to hear someone say they were a penniless peasant who scrounged for

I’ve used MiniKeePass on my iPhone for years, works great !

Apathy is doing a far more effective job. According to Pew research, the 2016 election had only 61% of eligible voters actually bothered to cast a vote. The same research showed only 59% of eligible blacks voted and only 63% of eligible women. Among millennials who tend to vote more liberally, the results were even

Here’s an idea, get the kid off the electronics, and out playing in the yard.

I was talking this past weekend to some folks in law enforcement. All the stories presented so far seem implausible to them. Here’s what they think happened. Cop flirting with the young, pretty, woman with cute Australian accent, he shows off his weapon “want to see my gun...”, which leads to his accidentally

A dishcloth is possibly one of the filthiest things in your kitchen (outside of the sponge in the sink). Do you really want this with your clean dishes ?

I think one (I’m assuming high-end) doctor in Beverly Hills doing this, doesn’t sound like a trend. And drinking and medical procedures sounds like a future lawsuit.

I do that too with VLC playing mp4 files for different shows

I prefer the chore hat myself

Walk through any poor urban neighborhood, and you’ll see plenty of these places preying on people who can afford it the least.

I didn’t write the article, but it’s all supporting the idea of bread and circuses, keep the people fat and stupid.

I’m worried how in today’s society, despite the fact that organized religions are on the decline, pseudo-spiritualistic nonsense like tarot, crystals, angels, psychics, mediums, horoscopes, etc seem to be on the increase.

All this will do is create more secret societies and push it out of the public eye into darker places.