
[Sarah Jessica Parker joke]

Sochi was actually a double shithole

Anyone else hoping that Rio is such a clusterfuck that the entire Olympics thing fucking ends?

I thought Sochi was a shit hole of an Olympic host. Didn’t think anyone can top that. Thanks Brazil for proving me wrong.

Hey, I remember him.

This dick pic coverage reminds me of Deadspin’s Golden Age of athlete penis photos. In honor of it, going to remember some dick pic guys...

Say what you want about Draymond but at least his shaft didn’t hurt anyone.

God hates the Cardinals.

Sounds like she did it the Right Way.

How do you lose 11-0? Must not have been playing the RIGHT WAY. Obvious LACK OF INTEGRITY.

This picture is spectacular.

Don’t ever stop!

I didn’t know about Beijing but as for the other two, I think you could classify those incidents as terrorism directly targeting the Olympics. In Rio it just seems that the Olympics were so poorly prepared that people will die

I wonder if NBC will report on any of the 7th circle of hell conditions or simply maintain a “everything is wonderful” facade?

+1 for the image, -1 for mistakenly assuming that Brazil would ever use port-a-johns instead of piping that raw sewage straight into Guanabara Bay.

Well, things are turning out pretty much as expected, no? The opening ceremonies should be a riot...I mean that literally.

To be fair, how could they have possibly predicted wind at the sailing venue?

Considering what the rivers in Rio are actually full of, blood might be an improvement...

I’m waiting for the rivers turning into blood and the plague of locusts.