
This is quite groan inducing. Spider-Man helps Yuri, and by extension the NYPD, not the NYPD specifically, she is the only one he trusts, and likewise, and she is the only one he is truly attempting to help. Hell, several times during gameplay he remarks about leaving the scene before the police show up because he’s

vibeo gamer

If the studio manages to deliver on this. Ill buy their game. I have to recognize they are at least trying to improve their game. Better than EA who is bailing on star wars for example.

Ok, so, developers and producers, take note. This is how you maintain a game.

I always liked NMS, I never bought into the hype, and it was what it was. Played it with my wife, too. I take breaks in between, but with this update, I will be jumping headlong into it with her again. We love co-op games.

And if they do, all the better - same way as people who don’t need to eat gluten free but decide to anyway have incidentally made going out for a meal a hundred times easier for people who actually need to, if this sells well for ridiculous fighting game setup reasons and Sony decides they need to do something

Man, it’s that thing Gamers said Nintendo should make, because they’d totally buy one if they did...

People keep saying this with absolutely no logical backing to their statement. It’s ridiculous.

Nintendo could pull off Mario Odyssey within the first year of Switch why not Smash Bros. the second year?

*slow clap*

I can very easily understand the White House’s disgust with those gaming clips.

Speak for yourself, I want literally everything ported to the Switch haha

Considering both other consoles are constantly also getting ports, why would one assume that Switch would be any different? A wide variety of games is key to system sales.

You do realize no one is believing this bs when people are having fun left and right and you are quite possibly the only being on earth to say this.

But its portability is far more appealing than, say, that of a 3DS. Because the Switch is much more convenient in the way it’s designed. Its OS is snappy as hell, you can wake it from sleep mode and resume whatever game you were playing in literally 5 seconds or less. The fact that you can choose how you can play it,

Switch size comparison against Wii U, Xbox One, PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro:

A new Smash would be a few years in the future. A Smash 4 Deluxe could come out next year.

I’d expect more like an enhanced port of smash 4, tbh. Especially since that has been rumoured since the switch’s launch.

Why is “making money” in quotes? If he had a Patreon open for the mod, thats *literally and exactly what he was doing.*