
Well, what I was thinking would be cool is if the TV had a 2D classic Metroid gameplay, but the tablet was a 3D space visor. So you could use that to scan objects in the environment and interact with puzzle elements in the background and such. Classic Metroid gameplay but with a slight Prime twist.

This isn't about system loyalty anymore. I'm an Xbox 360 owner. This is pure anti-consumer crap, no matter what systems you've owned, no matter what franchises you follow, no matter what genres you prefer.

Indeed. My PS2, Gamecube and 360 are perfectly happy being offline and playing any game I want, anytime of the day.

Yeah, I am plain out not buying a game device that can be shutoff someday. How long do you think the authentication servers are going to stay up? I mean you can't play Xbox (the first one) games online anymore, imagine that but even with the offline games. You know, part of me is hoping that on launch week of the

Perfectly said and something I catch hell for every time I say something similar.

Haha well I've got someone who would probably try it with me but at that point it would make more sense to just make out

Grab the Rooster... I don't know about you guys but I ain't grabbin' anyone's rooster, let alone giving them a rocketman outside.

Everything Microsoft did right with the Xbox 360 (easy developer support, options for indie developers, easy used games, easy sharing, no online verification) they're doing wrong this time around.

Fire? Are you kidding me?! You can't burn something that was born in the pits of hell.

Bigger question; what happens to the system in 10 years? What happens when they take those servers OFFLINE?

There are thousands of different and real situations that make this a serious issue and will seriously dent a great number of people from purchasing the console.

Yeah, I really don't get the hate Gates gets for anything MS does, considering he has nothing to do with how MS is run anymore and devotes himself full time to philanthropic pursuits. He's probably saved more people than most would meet in their entire lives; he's okay by my book.

We already know which company will be the winner next generation. Nintendo seem to be the only ones caring about gamers (still have to see Sony's presentation about DRM). Yet people bash them because they think it's cool to hate them.

The first rule of Twitter, don't take Kamiya seriously.

I don't know, PC seems pretty bad to me as well. It's really been steam or nothing lately and as someone who cares about video games, I will not accept drm to save a few bucks. For now the only choice seems to be to support Nintendo where DLC is the worst there is.

Makes you think how scary it is that something like this can happen, just because you're in the wrong place at the wrong time.

...Let's all go give our families a hug, yeah?

Microsoft did not confuse anyone with the XBOX One. We all understood clearly that it sucks.

Also, because batteries add up and this will save you money in the long run.

Do you not know that the Wii U can use Wii Remotes and can boot into Wii mode, or are you just being facetious?

She apparently doesn't understand hundreds of thousands of years of evolution of why males are protective over their mates and offspring. Embrace who you are and your heritage, and stop being so over sensitive.

Not to mention, she is straw man argumenting so hard without showing the other side at all. I can find all