
Because those were completely rebuilt from the bottom up PORTS...those take WAY more time and money to do on an individual basis. So yeah...they worked because they were basically new games. It takes MUCH more power to make something actually emulate previous hardware CORRECTLY, especially with the newer OS needing to

I’m publicly sorry and ashamed that you are making those of us excited to actually play something new that can expand the universe of a series we love look like greedy spoiled children who never want to grow up or change. That apology for for ya? ;)

Looks like they removed the Twitch integration and the Super Secret Settings menu too.

Or the simple fact that the concept it not theirs, nor anyones to just “claim” ownership of. Closest analogy to it that you use that I can see is if another site got the copyright to you “reacting” (commenting) on articles you read so what you could do just fine before now has something looming over it as a possible

I have over 70 games on my Wii U, not counting digital or backwards compatible titles....there is PLENTY to play. People just like to complain to seem “cool”. It’s the most played system in our house between almost every major system from the Atari 2600 to the current 3 of this generation lol. And you can get a Wii U

I am hoping so. Would be 100% worth it to me just for that feature since I love to play this at home with my kids, but hate split screen if I can avoid it on the Wii U. Has made the Lego games 100% better to play co-op for me as well. They said there would be 4 player local, but no word on how any local will be

Would love to know what those responses were lol.

Would love to know what those responses were lol.

This is part of their updated network people have been asking for...charging for it would be counter productive. They stated that the games coming after it would have a purchase price.

You can make a level for local play that is unbeatable in any way you want, but in order to upload it online you have to be able to beat it from the checkpoint and the level as a whole. :) I’m glad they did that otherwise it would SERIOUSLY cause some issues.

And with that you miss out on anything new and creative a developer does. And even the “normal” controls you want to stick with were put there over time and then used in new ways to expand the games you play. Imagine playing the games now...even the ones you limit yourself to...with only an atari stick/paddle and its

Heck the nature of “gimmick” is basically anything to set something apart or a feature. Every console in history has one...correct that...MANY gimmicks. PS2 has DVD!...gimmick. Xbox allows for internet play...gimmick! PS4 has a light built in...gimmick! NES has a D-Pad...gimmick...and so forth and so on until the end

It all comes down to the wiring in the house and the building materials. I can use my GamePad in most of the house, but right on the other side of the living room wall in my kids room...nothing. It’s because the main wiring of the house goes through it and basically makes a Faraday Cage situation which blocks almost

They added Snake just fine from a mostly M rated series. They can reference and have the character, they just have to be careful with design and what they say/do that can cause a change in ratings. Heck, they had Snake, his voice, the trophies, and a good bit of the voice cast from Metal Gear Solid on there as well.

Except in the case of Colonial Marines...they straight up lied about all of it. The story, the gameplay, the graphics, and more. This is just an announcement video from 2 years ago vs the game itself which is intact and has TONS of actual gameplay that we have seen the company and others release since then. You know

It does go back...watch the top and pay attention to the right side. For a split second you see the square slide disappear and you see more of the tube while he is in the air jumping up onto the top. :)

Most of it is people leaving on the “features” on their TV that are supposed to make video for movies and such look better, but don’t take into account that a little lag would be noticed for anything else. They basically need to shut off some of the post-processing effects and you would be surprised how well some LCD

It’s also harder for a guy to both admit to something like this and to even report it. All she has to say is the tables are flipped and sadly many would simply believe her over him.

I buy them for my collection, but I also open then to use them. The only one I have kept sealed is the Gold Mario though. I’ve been collecting games and such for decades now, but I prefer to actually PLAY them instead of just ogling a sealed box lol. :) Drives some other collecters nuts, but I just ignore them and

Managed to get mine thankfully. Took over an hour to get the two people in front of me done, but by then it seemed to speed up and I got through within a shorter time. Managed to get the six pack bundle of them, along with three for a friend, and the three pack for Splatoon. Wasn’t so lucky with Jigglypuff this

And it does feel like they are still doing that thankfully. I still think we will get content for the Wii U for at least the next few years which would put it around the traditional 5 to 6 year period for Nintendo to cycle systems. I would be fine with that.