
No Wii U, no sale. I played 3 and 4 exclusively on the Wii U for the extra features along with off screen play from time to time and that is how I wanted to continue to enjoy the series. Both Ubisoft and Capcom are being asses in regards to this front.

The original games this is being taken from were made to work on the family of chips the Wii U works on now. And the Xbox 360 and PS3 don't have X86 architecture, so it takes more work to bring it to those and every other system at this point. Developers have gone on record stating that the Wii U is no harder to

Remake of the port of a remake actually lol. Remade on the Gamecube, ported to the Wii, then updated to the upcoming one. Wow...all of that and STILL NO WII U VERSION. Sorry...it's a frustratingly stupid decision.

I got a laugh and appreciated it. :)

Just the "power" of Thor...not Thor himself. Otherwise how in the world did Beta Ray Bill turn into "Thor"...right in front of the actual Thor...there would have been two of them. Same goes for a number of people who have wielded the hammer over the years. This woman is just using the mantle and has the powers...but

You have to put it into the game BEFORE the match starts...you basically "load" it in during the character select and then play as normal. You keep using it till your done then you just reload it back onto the figure. They used it in the trailer just to make it dramatic. It has been shown in screen shots where it

Except it would be a computer controlled player that has learned...not something you can just toss in and use like an item. So yeah...no unfair advantage at all.

So, how long before Playstation Now is crippled until Sony pays a ton of money to Comcast/Time Warner to allow the system to even remotely work? Just ask Netflix how that turned out and how the price is going up for it. That is my biggest concern honestly along with games like Street Fighter requiring NO lag to work

And then more and more devs will refuse to make Nintendo games unless Nintendo just pays for it all. At what point to devs just...you know...make the damn games like they used to?

Except work as smoothly, be as integrated, and have the full range of controls required.

  • How's Wii U ownership been for you, so far? - Fantastic honestly. The system is being used by pretty much every member of my family on a daily basis with a wide variety of activities. Lots of games (right at 30 disc based ones, just as many digital, and the entire Wii library to boot) We also use the GamePad as

All Sega would do was change their strategy. They dropped every system and add on faster than the last until they finally arrived at the Dreamcast which bombed. It was a great system (still have mine and love it), but people had no faith they would even stick with it and would jump ship again like they had for the

They did state that there will be games shown that use the NFC (near field communication) feature on the Gamepad. I am really interested in what it could be.

You may laugh, but it has been really fun when people get together lol. Curious how a digital version of it will work without the gamepad stand. Maybe they will have it available separately for people.

It says in the video the deal is with ANY retail copy or digital copy...they just emphasized that it also made the bundle an even better value since you got another game free with it for download.

Ran well for me and was available on YouTube and their site pretty quickly afterwards which was great as well. No live show keeps them from the crazy "show off" that costs so much money while still being able to show off what they want. No time restrictions, etc and they still had a booth at the show and people

In this instance I can agree, but there are times that console specific content is cool...and honestly has to be console specific. I always think back to Soul Calibur II where the Gamecube had Link as a playable character..there was no way in hell he would be allowed onto the PS2 or Xbox versions lol.

Have you considered it is more of a family film type of thing and shows off how the father and son are enjoying their time together and working on projects to share? The kid probably LOVES that people are seeing what they are doing together. You can't just lock a kid up until he is 18 and think the world will have

Mike, sadly you do see things like this, but you can also see this as well.

It's more than likely one of the later releases of the SNES then. :)