
Needs games? I have 25 physical titles for my Wii U already along with over 100 Wii games I can play on it before I even go into the digital titles I have bought on the eShop, Virtual Console, and WiiWare. That is a hell of a lot of games I can play on it, with more I have yet to get along with more and more coming

They have already stated, multiple times, that Zelda will be at E3 this year and that they almost showed it a few times last year but held back. This, along with WW HD being called a "holdover" while they are working on Zelda U and the recent Dynasty Warrior Zelda being clarified as NOT the Zelda U they are currently

Yeah....this is what NOT to do to your franchises. Seriously...is it so bad that they have to take whatever they can and basically just make it a shooter? I'm waiting for them to buy the rights to Tetris and stop it from being a puzzle game too. I can see it now...random Tetris pieces with army helmets running

Could New Super Luigi U be considered an "expansion" as well though? I know it was released as a stand alone disc but it was also a DLC re-do of the entire game and physics. Everything played differently. :)

The levels are different..it's the characters that are the same and will somehow connect with eachother. The 3DS version will get levels based on the portable versions of games while the Wii U will get the console ones. This is why they showed one for Spirits Track on the 3DS and Skyward Sword on the Wii U. It's

I got the Wii U versions of both Black Ops II and Ghost because they play well, and the ability to do both local and online multiplayer on two screens while still keeping the frame rate is a big addition for me. Plus I don't have to wait for the kids to leave or go to bed to play it...I just toss on my favorite

It's there...watching...but since it is Batman we just don't know it's there lol. :)

Turning into a painting to move around the world in different ways doesn't equal "Paper Zelda".

Good point...forgot about that one lol. Who know, maybe they can bring it out for the console.

Personally I have a list of current gen games (PS3, 360, etc) along with more and more Wii U, 3DS, and Vita titles coming out to more than hold me over for this holiday and into next year. I will be getting the X1 and PS4 for sure...but the cost of entry seems steep when I have to also account for buying games for it

Skype is owned by Microsoft...so I am thinking no. Wii U has it's own video chat that works really well with other Wii U systems though....or are you talking about for 3DS specifically?

He also mentions that, if he had wanted to, he could have made a few changes to the synthetic kryptonite and made it lethal instead of just to incapacitate him and prep him for a good old fashioned beating. Superman only walked away from that because Batman won't kill. Yes Superman was weakened before he got there,

That is actually a good point...if they did an unboxing video already, then why can't this guy show off what he LEGALLY bought and owns? Microsoft could have simply not had the update available to the public and had it only accessible by particular serial numbers like they did for Beta Testing on the 360. I would

And then shut off the device they legally bought and was sent to them by no illegal action of their own. How DARE they not pay for someone elses mistake! This is really low of Microsoft since in just 2 weeks this will go public anyways and it was just basic information we all should know anyways.

Or you know...they respect the work that someone else put into the video and wanted to share it with the community. VSauce3 did the work and would like the views for the video, not just someone taking the list and posting it out there. Chris Person liked it and wanted to spread it to more people.

If TV shows, comic books, and movies can all cover the idea of killing children (undead or not) I don't see why this is even a debate. This is fantasy...not reality. No one is actually killed but the level of immersion is the intent that the creator wants. Every time I play a zombie game where large areas are

Half of the best jokes would have been left out...and there is MUCH more to Nintendo than just Zelda lol. :)

Me too lol :)

Another good reason I think the Vita TV is a bad idea as a means to play Vita on TV instead of just putting HDMI out on a Vita model. This, and many other games, just won't work with only a Dual Shock 3 controller without giving up many of the cool features and mechanics that are on the Vita itself. Looking forward

I've played for awhile since it released last night and have enjoyed it. There is an off tv option, but I havent used it yet. Glad it's there though as it has been a great feature for games that can support it. The box and the devs say it supports the dlc and even comes with the code, but its not on the eshop yet.