
Starting to think it is just a way to say they aren't meant to be together at all, or they just keep undoing what the other changes. Don't think it can be won...but I could be wrong.

Well then feel free to send them my way lol. I have used mine for some games, the giant AR card (me and the kids made some funny pictures with life-sized Miis lol), controllers, cartridge cases, etc. Working towards the Game and Watch games as well. I've gone Platinum since the first year they offered it here in

Yes but when they are actively re-tweeting peoples messages and pictures that are talking about how they are playing all of these emulated games...they jump into showing off their game for that purpose. I can drive down a road in the wrong direction because it is an open road...but that doesn't make it any less

Not for enabling it, but they have retweeted people talking about it and taken the idea that it is ok to do this and that it's a feature on their "console".

Married for 13 years now...and we NEVER did any crap like this at our wedding. I cooked the rehearsal dinner myself (turned out great) and no one had to pay any money for that. We got married young but both realized this was just one day out of all the ones we have together so while we enjoyed it, we didn't throw

Talk abut good timing...the new Retronauts was just posted :) Enjoy!

Before calling people idiots, you really should work on your reading and comprehension skills. It's required to turn the system on, but not required for every developer to use in a major way.

Well, they started releasing more games with last months Game & Wario, Pikmin 3 comes in August, and there will be more games like Batman, Splinter Cell, Watchdogs, New Super Luigi U (retail version...digital DLC is already out for New Super Mario Bros U), Donkey Kong, Lego Marvel Super Heroes, Scribblenauts Unmasked,

Nice. I live all way over in Florida, so my trips to SF are a bit more limited lol. I was in the area for a few months about a year ago for work, but the only day I could get to the city was on Sundays, so that wouldn't have worked.

Thankfully there will be more Retronauts coming...I was one (of many) backer in their successful Kickstarter to bring it back in audio and video form. Can't wait! Hands down one of my favorite podcast series and a huge inspiration for our own show.

It's getting it's second year titles. The Wii U will be getting its as well. Nintendo has always released their consoles and handhelds in steps so while one is building up, people have the other in it's stride to continue with. That way we always have something from Nintendo to play. :)

The art has "evolved" over the years for a big one. It's funny...almost in the same way that Ocarina of Time did when you first saw it on the 3DS and thought "yep...looks just how I remember it"...then you go back and play the N64 version and REALLY see how much has changed over the years. Animal Crossing does

So basically if this is unusable to some people that are disabled, then it shouldn't exist? How is that controller that usually requires two hands? Or the plastic guitar? Or the microphone for singing games? And finally...why do you have a TV if there are people that can't see?

Honestly, if you have a problem with someone on live, you have choices for YOU to handle. Mute then, block them, report them, etc. That way they can deal with these people. You get upset and leave without doing anything, you have let the assholes doing this win. Plus I usually just play in a party so I only hear

You really can't go wrong either way as there is already a great remake of OoT on the 3DS and a new original Zelda coming this year for it as well. The Wii U is getting the fantastic looking Wind Waker HD and they have stated multiple times the new Wii U specific Zelda is in development, they just haven't showed

It's a law...and we all obey the law. Just like gravity. I have some hilariously horrible/cheesy (and kinda awesome) wedding photos myself lol.

At this point people expect the similarities so their brains make the connection. If you actually block the faces part by part (chin, jaw, bridge/tip of nose, eyes, forehead, complexion, lips, etc) you really notice more changes which make for a collectively different face.

Good to hear your marriage is going good :)

Yep, got people calling a guy a pervert just the other day for turning and looking at a woman...yet then they post this which is basically just showing breasts over and over again.

Yeah, because she isn't Ellen Page. They showed (above) the original image which they admitted it was inspired by Ellen Page, but then they also show the final (released) version that was greatly changed and matches more features with the voice actor.