
Is this the gentleman’s first rodeo? How did he expect to make money in Manhattan without the necessary permits? 

This is a really long article to write about the fact that a club no one has ever heard of is closing due to the owners own negligence in operation.

This world is going to hell…

Those look just like the cookies you buy at Subway for a lot cheaper.

I laughed especially hard that it was Sergey Brin whose estranged wife cheated on him with Musk. Brin blew up his first marriage by cheating with a marketing director at Google, so I suppose it’s only fair he got a taste of that himself.

Fair, except that I guarantee you that, at the very least, Mitch and his verminous minions DO think this shit through. It’s why they’re so evil and so effective. Mitch plays the long game, and now look what he’s done to us.

Lol. America has become such a backwards nation. You may turn in your “1st world” card at the door on your way over to sit at the 3rd world table.

the confederacy is just the name of the slave owners union.

Nope! I totally mentioned it, but briefly. Heh, I don’t often quote myself, but this is in there... “And the curious color comes from the pitaya, also known as dragonfruit. Some varieties of dragonfruit contain a reddish-pink flesh, which would account for the pink color in the sauce.”

And this is a surprise why?

Again and again, this is partly religious and partly economic. Before women poured into the workforce in the late 60s/early 70s, your average white man had an unpaid indentured servant who performed cooking, housework and childcare in exchange for free room and board, leaving Daddy free to smoke and work. This was

literally where we were a century ago, even got the Pinkertons running around

While we recognize that workers would prefer not to be shot while forming a union, nowhere in the Constitution does it say that the people have the right to unionize.  On the other hand, the Second Amendment guarantees the right of union busters to keep and bear arms, so they must be allowed to use those arms.  The

Unfortunately, the current makeup of the Supreme Court makes this moot.

Things you probably never expected to write about ice cream.

I’m sure they taste exactly like everything else that comes dripping out of the dough hose at Krispy Kreme.  Still can’t understand why people like those samey cheap little turdballs.  Go to a place called like “TK Donut” or “[Name of Neighborhood] Donut and Boba” if you want an actually good donut.

Yeah, this sound like some Condoleezza Rice shit. Let me preemptively add that we are also imaging what it would be like in three years if a federal ban that is absolutely being planned gets passed and signed.

“Worse than anyone imagined.”

Every single Republican supporter deserves to die.

Aloha, An excellent documentary currently on Netflix is Who Killed Malcolm X. I sincerely hope that this brother and their families get the money they deserve. It sounds like NYC was trying to play cheap and they said “No Way”.