
This doesn’t even make ANY fucking sense. Not that the right wings stance on collective issues ever has. But work with me here.

I ask myself this every day. I think many people are just born evil. I suppose it’s a radical notion (and I don’t play the ‘judge’). Then again, it seems like most everyone suffered some trauma as a child so.... it’s parent’s fault; #don’thavekids.

Congratulations Republicans!

Good lord, why do people suck so much?

Let me get this straight, you put the lime in the coconut?

If this is true — I find the U.S. system entirely mystifying, but I know you’re not a troll — how do you weed out the racists/Republican plants (wtf else could this guy be?) and help good candidates, often with less money behind them, get a leg up?

Yeah, I don’t know why the dems keep doing this. My home state keeps announcing candidates where I’m like “Him!!?”, supporting them all through the primaries, and then right before the general being like “Oh shoot, we just found out he’s bad? Nevermind,” having no backup plan, and getting stomped. Like, maybe the guy

Lol, everyone knew in ‘09 that blackface was wrong. That's like Roy Moore apologists saying it was cool he raped kids in the 90s because it was a different time. 

Feels like a right wing plant?

If anyone ever needs proof that Moderate Democrats overlap Moderate Republicans on the Political Party Venn Diagram, here ya go. I hope the RI Democratic Party gets their shit together, because the party desperately needs candidates like Jennifer Rourke. 

There’s a lot of questionable stuff on the CDAN blog which has covered Jenkins for years but I’ve been reading the blog a long time and for years before Harvey Weinstein was publicly outed as a predator, CDAN wrote about his activities. I think where there’s smoke there’s at least a little fire. Real Housewives giving

Was gonna say, step 1: fly to Asia

Not to be too fatalistic here, but voting is exactly what gave us Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett.

Typical conservative: carve out a little exception for his family and attack everyone else who is similarly situated.

For those who think appealing adult sexual intimacy laws don’t affect them, they do. These laws include martial rape, intimacy consent laws of the disabled, even child marriage with parental consent.

I guess employers who want employees to halt working from home will be getting a lot of uncomfortable Red Tent calls.

Articles like this are the reason why I check out Jezebel less and less.

lol, are we dictating how people protest now? I thought that was something we weren’t supposed to do. Jokes.