
Though my memory is isolation-unreliable, I remember that old, fat, diabetes-ravaged racist in total disbelief because her savior had cut Meals On Wheels. Oh, how I WISH a really good journalist would follow up with her! Someone who’ll appear sympathetic to get her talking but with the ovaries to get her to say

“I’m a good person. I just like making people suffer, that’s all. No harm in that.” — GOPeons.

If only somebody had told them, repeatedly, that it was a con and they were lining Trump’s pockets. Oh wait.

They just keep telling themselves the Democrats would take more and only the GOP can stop them.

There was no mix up. The full article clarifies how and why this was set up and by whom. Spoiler...it was a consultant hired to do just this, among other things, with the endorsement of, spoiler...Jared.

This is what makes Trumpism work. This is the dark heart of our political moment. Even people who are tremendously vulnerable themselves, like Crystal Minton, support Trump because of his capacity to inflict pain on others they detest. The cruelty, as the Atlantic’s Adam Serwer says, is the point. [emphasis added] [htt

Yup. I don’t want anyone to talk to me about pitying Trump voters or reaching across to work with the GOP. They aren’t just dumb anymore, they are willing to cast the entire country down all in the name of maintaining power and a steadfast willingness to blow their foot off if it means that PoC will suffer more.

It is CRAZY how much these Trump supporters are getting duped, grifted, and fucked over by their own team, and even after having to go through their banks to get their money back, are still on team Trump.

They will continue to doing this shit and if someones relative retaliates the media will claim they got “ambushed”. Their favorite white trigger term.

I would’ve prioritized moving to a country that doesn’t care where your money comes from before buying loads of expensive cars. Surely if your criminal enterprise is on the internet, you could control it from some beach somewhere and not get arrested by the Chinese, right? Just seems kinda sloppy to me.

You have it backwards.

Langford continued, “I should know because I was there and helped storm the Capitol. Really gotta watch out for those guys, you know...”.

I’m sure if they want an apology that badly, they could get a bunch of folks together, get cops in uniforms and a bunch of guns, then go over to their house in the middle of the night to demand it.

Police officers really are trying to normalize attacking Black 5 year-olds and it is flying under the radar

I would modify your comment above from “there are certain educators who have no business teaching Black children” to “there are certain educators who have no business teaching. Period.”

While especially damaging to Black children, some educators have no business teaching any children. We don't want white children learning to act like.

Guessing a non-zero percentage of that crowd has at least one of those items at home.

Jesus also didn't explicitly condemn heroin or child pornography. Are we supposed to allow those things, too?

Not one but FOUR children with this hateful, irrational basic sleaze. Clearly, the children do not need to be raised by her. There is no telling how much damage has already been done and there are years to go before they are old enough to escape her. In a fair system, those kids would have been removed from her nasty

I worked at a strip club about 10 years ago and one of the girls there was like this and it always blew my mind hearing her. She did nothing but date and sleep with black men exclusively. All of her children were mixed. She constantly said racist shit about black folks in general but specifically black men.