Zen Zen

I just discovered Sonnerfeld did porn for several years before breaking into real movies… I will never watch Man in Black again with the same innocence.

Great movie and, possibly, a turning point in Tarantino's career. It reminded me of some old Godard's such as Masculin Feminin.

I always preferred Manhunter to Lambs: it's a great character study which dwells on Graham's fears and obsessions to the point we can't help to embrace his point of view. It's really more of a Mann's movie than a simple book adaptation.

Isn't this the same movie Chris McQuarrie tried to get off the ground for years? Is he still involved?

My only problem with DD's first season was its length: I would have appreciated more a tighter series (8/10 episodes max), but it's was overall great and fun to watch. With Punisher in for entire series, I'm totally sold.

First trailer of season 2 looked like a parody of season 1: it should have stayed a single-season mini-series, nothing wrong with that.

Unfortunately, I'm not.

I'm a total sucker for Cameron Crowe's movies… I even dig Elizabethtown…

She has Le-Physique-Du-Role…

I'd like to see a Mumblecore version of The Matrix.

A movie that hadn't to be remade… remake will be all stunts and tricks, but no soul.

This is better than most people could remember. Not perfect of course, but compelling and well crafted. Studio should have stuck to the director's version.

I will give this a shot for David Ayer only.

Director leaving over creative differences in 3 2 1…

But not as an actor, right?

The other two are not precisely worth an Oscar either…

Gina Carano would make a great WW, but she would easily overshadow (and kick their ass as well) Affleck and Cavill…

Ending was absolutely illogical and gratuitous: it totally defied what was being told before…

Groups belong to different regions and, usually, don't interfere with each other.

What if they close the centipede and sew the last butt to the first mouth, so that the same piece of shit keeps running in circle forever?