Zen Zen

Pointless or not, it will be counter-productive for sure, both business and military-wise.

I'm not American, so it's not appropriate to question other countries' policies unless they affect my own life, but but but why not extending/limiting this ban to Saudi Arabia or Turkey, two countries which are notoriously involved in international terrorism???

Escape from La La

Look, I really like Scorsese when he is at this most personal and religious: I feel funny such an intense movie has been overlooked the way Academy did…

La La Land 2: To live and die in La La

I wish there were more car chases and bank robberies in this movie…

Just one nomination for Silence??? I guess nobody at the Academy made it through awake…

So, is Johnson officially fired from the band?

Maybe, it's a good opportunity to use that damn Frank Darabont script everybody but Lucas dug so much.

Mmmm… good question: what about Kylo Ren? He looks like someone with a pervert/SM/fetish side…

I'm ok with that: transgender characters, pansexual characters, asexual characters… whatever floats your boat as long as movie doesn't blow goats, cool?

It's a good movie, not Mann's best, but still a worthy effort. Thor is probably the worst part and the one element that brings it down.

Nice piece for a movie that has grown in me since I've seen it months ago.

I gave up after 20 minutes, horrible and unfunny (I found Bachelorette decent and quite funny, so I am not biased)… full of WTF moments and with a total anti-charismatic lead: Sudekis is and should always be a wingman.
If you guys think this stinker should get an Oascar nom, please wake up and have a triple espresso

Immensely enjoyed. Season 1 was good, I'd say too much derivative: this one has been outstanding.

All good stuff, maybe it's about time for me to dive back into comics after a few years of abstinence…

My movie of 2016, can't just wait.

A real art-house nouvelle vague-ish French movie a la' Godard or Eustache would have ended with all the characters going for a cathartic foursome…

Whatever floats your boat… Movie is simply overrated and director betrays his own vision when he makes the creature interact with other people. That was a deal breaker for me.

I don't really understand all the praise this movie is receiving: it's an alright horror, but it doesn't hold up well for all of its duration. The swimming pool scene in the end is embarrassingly bad and the movie itself loses most of the steam after the scene by the beach when the creature reveals itself by pulling