
Defense? I just thought it was his intro.

Grand Prize of trustworthiness and a calming smile, minus a tooth or two.

Saab sacks.

I just assumed it meant Ox Penis or something else burly and frightening.

Now, is he called it commonly? Or is he called it by “the commons?

The “Streaming” events continue.

That direction says “Jag” to me. Strange.

Lemlin Von Steelie.

Aye, Captain.

Personally I’d rather tell the tale of my grandparent who crossed the nation during it’s early years, crossed rivers and fields and went mining, only to discover the results as worthless fools gold... than to tell the tale of my grandparent who lost it all because they somehow assumed the non-tangible child’s drawing

Couldn’t accuse Trump of shitting his own pants if said “adviser” did up his belt for him.

It’s a chef’s kiss on a Big Mac.

I’m just picturing a horrible storm where the owner has to decide between light and warmth... or a complete collectors edition.

He thinks “volatile” comes with a tortilla on the side.

Just make sure you go over the legal mumbo jumbo, then when he turns tail halfway through the call you’ll have enough standing to sue him for a few million. Scamming a scammer = good feelings all around.

It’s true.