
He strikes me as one of those guys who will race to the parking space closest to the store if he sees another car.

He looks like the only race he's ever been in is the white one. 

His criminal history is irrelevant. What IS relevant was the cop continuing to knee him down over a prolonged period of time preventing him from breathing, even after George clearly indicated as such, and while his colleagues stood by and did nothing.

Still have mine

Melanin is not a common thing among a lot of artists. 

The game is incredibly linear and practically demands you play it a very specific way in order to succeed. This is especially apparent in Hard mode and is where many of the design decisions begin to show their faults.

I was pleasantly surprised with how they handled many of the crazier elements of the original, from simply keeping frog status, to reinventing some things creatively (like Hell House). However, I did dislike how they limited summons.

I was kind of bummed to find out materia didn’t grow. Doing crazy combinations with magnify, element, and absorb would have been fun.
Maybe it’s to encourage players to do multiple play throughs to gather rare materia? :(

That’s my hope and assumption as well. People have to remember that this is only the first episode, and that any current restrictions could only be because it’s the Midgar section of the game.

Man, the original’s introduction to Sephiroth was brilliant! Just waking up in the cell to see the door open, blood and slash marks everywhere, gradually making your way through the building to see the last of his work at the top. And all without ever seeing him. It perfectly sets the tone for the ghost chase the game

Now playing

For fans of FFT that would prefer to stay away from the F2P trap, I’d like to throw out Fell Seal: Arbiter’s Mark. It’s a super solid TRPG with all the old things we loved about FFT: dozens of classes, mix-and-matching learned skills and a compelling story. It’s even got a few things we would have loved back in the

The update post on him (here) and his “I’m back” post (here) cover it pretty well, but the short of it is he’s incredibly, insanely lucky to alive. And yeah, he’s one hell of a guy.

Who’s the English voice of Red XIII in the trailer? Sounds familiar but I don’t see anything confirmed online.

Man, I certainly appreciate that there are other perspectives out there than my own, but as someone who likes to think they’re incredibly sympathetic (empathetic when I can be), shit like this drives me absolutely nuts.



Princess Zelda has the strongest of fingers. 

Sorry nitpick but the way she leisurely holds the bowstring inbetween two fingers gives me handcramps as an archer...

Give me a Zelda game where I play as Zelda, you cowards!

Unfortunately, no one can be told how many lights there are. You have to see it for yourself.