There’s an easy solution here people. Stop buying 2k games.
There’s an easy solution here people. Stop buying 2k games.
Oh. Sure, by all means, people should make interesting characters.
Show me a human being represented in a game and give me a weapon capable of ending the life of said virtual human (from guns to swords to swimming pools completely enclosed by fences once the foolish sims get in—the lot I built for this is literally called “The Watery Grave”), and I will psychopathically, with great…
Sony should leave Japan’s mappings the same and change the rest of the world. I’m real tired of confirm/cancel being opposite on Sony and Nintendo consoles
Not mentioned:
This can apply to over-charging for long periods of time as well(at least after some use and recharging)depending on the hardware. We really should get more effective, long-term rechargables in this day and age of smart phones and portable hardware
SCEA wanted a version of Lunar 2 without the extras and Vic insisted fans didn’t want that.
Victor ended up butting heads with the head of SCEA a -lot- early on. I think it even ended up being part of why Working Designs finally went down in flames. I know I did my part by automatically buying anything WD had a hand in for PS1, no matter how much.
Calling it now: Ravenclaw House is Playstation-exclusive.
She’s never gonna stop saying stupid shit, why should I be denied excitement over this clearly awesome game?
Just don’t try IDDQD in Heretic. COCKADOODLEDOO is where it’s at!
And here we begin at chapter one, book one, of the book of The Console Menu, and I say unto thee, I am the IDDQD and the IDKFA.
“Invicibility mode” is about the only reason that Celeste is still in my “maybe” bucket. I suck at fast-twitch puzzle platformers, so being able to turn “easy mode” on and off is why it stays on my radar.