
Remember when the height of gaming was a fat plumber jumping on little brown mushroom monsters, burning a turtle king, and saving a princess with only one line of dialog? never heard anyone complain back then. Good times

you have no character choices. there is only one character model( which includes NPC’s) with clothing and equipment you can put on to change your appearance. This is just the latest casualty from SJW’s in the current cancel culture.

I would be interested to know if this game features any black characters. After all, there is a black population in Russia, albeit a small one. Am I supposed to be offended as well if my race isn’t represented in this game? 

Choices are male Slavic PMC operator or male Western PMC operator. An astonishingly accurate representation of the an industry in which the vast majority of operators are, as is the “fashionable” term amongst the woke, “cisgender” males.

You get 2 choices. 2 guys from different factions with completely identical facial features. The only difference? The color of their shirt. There is no character customization (in terms of facial features) whatsoever. Hopefully that helps.

There’s a difference between ALL games should have it and MMOs shouldn’t be required to have it. It’s different telling a story of a particular character vs “come online and shoot shit with a million other people.”

if the character is silent and always has a mask on, why can’t they be female?

No one said anything about all groups, but excluding women when we make up half the frickin planet is ridiculous. I'm demisexual and I absolutely get not having demi options in anything. We're a super tiny minority. Females aren't a super tiny minority, we're half the planet.

“That being said, this is still just a form of art, and shouldn’t necessarily have to be one size fits all. I firmly stand 100% for human equality, but our recent expectations for ALL media to represent ALL groups, ALL the time, is just a little ridiculous.”

it is you can choose from like six different army dudes for a PVP sort of thing....then yeah, a woman should have been a choice from the start.”

Got it in one. There’s no story reason, you’re just playing a character.

Now, all groups all the time is a bit much, but an expectation for media to represent half of the

As a African American I agree. I love seeing brown faces in video games but you don’t have to just add one in just to say you have their is a black person in the game or because of some pressure from groups or blog authors.

Yes and no. Women, and people of color are rightfully tired of 99% of representation being the same white male.

I love how you’re equating women with ‘some group’ instead of, you know, HALF the population.

I only buy games where I can play as either a teakettle or fuzzy dice. 

If a game or developer does not align with your politics and you feel strongly about it, then don’t buy the game. By all means, take a stand. Sign an online petition stating that you’re not buying the game because it fails to give equal representation to women. If you want to enact real change and enough people feel

I like this a lot, but are all those wall-side screws going into a stud? Asking for my OCD.

I will say it did get a lot of attention which most anti-drug PSAs don't, so it kinda worked?

Now playing

As far as im concerned, the Uncharted movie already came out Starring Nathan Fillion and anyone cast in this new one is wrong and i hate it.