
He doesnt have the ear of the old either. despite what statistics and media shows. Dude is a class A jackass for sure.

Honestly, peoples toxic drivel is the #1 reason I dont publicly game. I can’t stand chat features....they get muted in any game where I happen to venture to the multiplayer side of things. (which is NOT often)

I’m pretty sure this is where AVALANCHE hedquarters is located. :)

*high five

Aloys diet doesnt consist of processed food and energy drinks. Healthy people, (usually) look healthy. Sure, shes probably only gonna live to 35 in that world, but those nuts, grains, and excercise sure are good for the skin :)

guys, do we have any mountain dew?

Racisim is NOT ok. Ever. Bullying is not ok. Ever. EVER.

agreed. If they could just take the SNES and do that now with today’s tech.....oh......oh man. the glory. *weeps at possibilities*

I know. its a bummer for the couch gamers in my generation ;)

Atari/NES/SNES childhood golden years.

Every time I read a new piece covering the Switch, I get an uneasy feeling in my stomach. Like someone has taken something from me. Like the loss of a favorite toy. I love Nintendo...at least I LOVED them at some point. BUT, I am one of those who wants a PS4 that plays the big N titles. I want to sit on my couch

Nelson Tai is an artist specialising in weapons, mechs and vehicles. robots with shiny breats and erect nipples.

I love, love, LOVE her TKOB look she has goin on here. A princess who can kill you if she needs to....which is what she is.


I swear to God, if these pieces get replaced by emojis and hashtags, I’m gonna completely lose faith in humanity. Of course that lifeline is already threadbare..

I have no idea who Arianna Grande is. I’m not sure what that makes me.....

I took a second to watch the snip for INSIDE, and oh . my . GOD!....I havent played that one yet, but that video clip had me on the edge of my seat. that is some AMAZING sound design/score work.

Agreed...I love when a director will go the minimal route. One of the most amazing scenes in LOTR fellowship, was the begining of the cave troll/mines of moria fight. All the screaming and clashing of weapons/armor drew you in to how intense that would be....I feel a score would have really hurt that scene.

I laughed out loud for the entirety of this piece. Actual, genuine, tear enducing laughter. In fact I am going to force many people I know to read it, just so I can then laugh at it again.

I don’t see cat....more like a featherd puppy. But then again, I haven’t played it yet. Glad we all finally get the chance too however :)