big props for this guy.
big props for this guy.
I just want another BF Bad Comany :/
Dammit man...what a good read. The many feels. *slow clap*
Conan is James Bond in a loin cloth. Every Bond film has a “get the girl” scene, and as ridiculous as it may be, its canon to the series. Same here. It is chauvinistic for social comentary, but this is Conan, and that is fantasy..not The Sims. There is no need for that to change, as long as those tropes stay in…
Save some blame for yourself, you whiney little prat.
Zelda a link to the past, Super Metroid, Halo, Final Fantasy VII. I could probably substitute Super Mario Bros 3 and Goldeneye 64 in there depending on the day. Maybe Final Fantasy Tactics as well. Half life 2....I guess a top 10 would probably be more realistic lol. They were all very revolutionary for their time,…
I think it’s supposed to be Atlantis. I remember seeing some “historical” images of what they believe it could have been....maybe sumerian or something? it’s been a while since I saw that.
Perfectly written. This game was a masterpiece....a piece of fine art in video game form. I’m not sure you even need to enjoy westerns to appreciate’s that good. I have played hundreds of games and many are really great, but there are only a few that can never be moved from a top 5 tier, and this is one.
Hyrule looks like LA. constantly covered in a layer of smog. I have noticed the big N use this “trick” a lot. Not sure if it is their way of handling draw distance? Who knows. It bugs me though.
there was room for at least two more instances of “stupid”, but you basically covered it. All the stars.
Resident Gear: 0 mission
this guy has an amazing grasp of weight and light in his art. I love these.
the Halo trailer that really sticks in my mind through the years, is the one using the official score and set to panned photographs of the small die cast models. For a “non moving” trailer, it was intense and very moving emotionally speaking. Good stuff. Back in the day, Bungie really was at the top of their game in…
Great read. (walking vs running makes no difference btw)
this. art. poster.
hope this is return to RE 1 and 2, where simple ambiance and soundplay turn up the suspense to 11.
I think I see where your head is at, but did you murder someone over a game console?
this looks awesome, but dammit....Link better get the hat. I can’t deal with a no hat link. Nope. can’t do it.
agreed. I thought limbo was fantastic, but I didn’t start playing that until I had become a father, and watching that little boy die while my own son was just a toddler, made me strangely uncomfortable. I was just a little more than I could deal with! I’m sure someday I will go back to it and see how it ends, even…