
Im conflicted.

people who do not like Red Dead Redemption are not living right.

Dear father, your son is a piece of shit because you are a piece of shit. Sorry he will never be the same again.....that’s a bummer. Should have thought about that before he raped an unconcious girl. It’s a good thing I wasn’t one of the people who caught him in the act....he would have lost more than his happy go

It was amazing. I know what some people say, and I can see their point of view to a certain degree, but honestly, as much of a VI and VII fanboy as I am ( and I AM)....I think this could be my favorite for some reason. There is a mood to it that sticks with you long after you are done. The auto battle type system

10 points to Gryffindoor for the fox in sox reference.

wow. that is a terrible response.


I feel a strange sadness and sense of reservation when reading about the big N now. It’s like a lost childhood friend. Innovation is great, but I wish they would stop trying to be so groundbreaking, and just make games that play great and look great. Even some of the AAA titles now have a way of feeling dated and

Indeed. I bought mine for the sole purpose of owning FFVII, and then discovered my love for the JRPG after. Wild Arms! oh...that opening theme song! brings back some awesome memories. Xenogears and Musashi as well....fantastic games.

the sound when a game booted. the best.

you’re feeling the way you should. Species rehablitation is great, but a creature like this is not far from human intelligence, so when even dogs and cats get sad in a cage...imagine how a primate feels. Its a sad state of the world today....


trophies would be my guess.....

no, you are correct....the idea was not terrible. It’s more of how the character model and her animations ended up. If she truly does need that much skin exposed, it could have been handled in something other than a string bikini ya know? She just comes off like fan service...with a story. Honestly, she never would


One HUUUGE pet peeve I have always had with Hollywood, or media in general, is when an Austrailian (or anyone non american) is cast and made to hide their real accent, when the ethnicity or speech of the character made absolutely zero difference. Lucy Lawless is an easy example...tons of roles where an accent made

ha, good point

oh I agree with you....I don’t think those are the reasons for the Konami split at all. Honestly I think it was business/legal related, and might even have had a lot to do with the uncanny likeness of a certain doctor. We don’t know....Kojima could have even chosen to leave because they a such a crappy company. Who

She was not created “as an antithesis to the women characters appeared in the past fighting game who are excessively exposed”

95.6% of the time, beards solve everything.