
From the beginning, Riley has slept in a crate in the bedroom (the only time he’s crated—we aren’t monsters). He’s happy and we’re happy and we all sleep soundly.

My puppy also sleeps in her crate (although she never took to liking her crate and spends zero time in there otherwise). Around 6 or 7 months old she started crying if I left her crate out of my room at night so I moved it inside and we’re both sleeping much better.

I was hoping my current cat would like it too, but no such luck! They’re such particular little creatures :).

Awww, my late cat slept with me like that.

Only my old man kitty is allowed to sleep with me on work nights, as he’s the only one who will reliably not decide to wake me up by knocking stuff off the dresser out of boredom. On the weekends, the door is open to my more disruptive cuddle bugs.

My old cat would wiggle her way into my wife’s arms while she was sleeping. I would wake up in the morning and feed her and then she’d get back into bed for an after breakfast cuddle. She was the best cat ever

oh my god, this kills me

That is beyond cute!!! I tried to get my cat to sleep in a bed like that, its like she knows i want to see her in it so she won’t go near it!

They’re both so cute and floofy!!! I love long-haired cats.

Here’s Ms. Thing, waiting for me to get in bed already.

Aw shoot! Outsmarted by the Catterpus!

Yeah, tried something similar a few years ago. Now the cat actively loves having his face blown on. The only semi-plausible solution would be to sleep with a spray bottle, but Catterpus would just end up loving water...

Of course you get no say in the matter, he is Cat and you are just a mere human! ;)

Haha not weird at all! She was really soft and huggable. I often want to hug other people’s kitties too (I restrain myself as I assume the kitties wouldn’t appreciate it).

My husband is worried that she would hurt herself getting down, being a basset hound (short legs, long back, heavy girl). We avoid stairs for similar reasons.

Mine feels the need to walk over all my weak spots ALL DAMN NIGHT. Then he eventually wraps himself around my head because he apparently decided I like that and get no say in the matter.

To her credit, she’s a total ham for the camera.

How in the Lord’s name do you ever get anything done?? I would just be gazing at that face day and night, disdaining sleep and food.

Cuteness, for reference.

When we got Lady Bird, we immediately started crate training, and she wasn’t allowed in our bedroom. When we visited my family of christmas, my husband and I realized that my brother was sleeping in the bed with his great dane. After that, my husband emphatically insisted NO DOGS IN THE BED! We have found that setting