
He was actively looking for a reason to punish miscellaneous black men for his friend being raped by a black man.

Listen, he just got over it in a week, okay?

Let’s not confuse and cheapen the issue by making it about race.

I’ve had some very tense conversations lately with a very close guy friend because he always falls back on his favorite argument that men are biologically wired to be horndogs and that’s not going to change anytime soon. It’s freaking exhausting and some days I just can’t.

What? Does having a child make you a dick? I would feel HORRIBLE if I decided to ignore someone I was caring for who told me they were in horrible pain and they ended up in the hospital for a week because of it. I wouldn’t want to share that story at all! Let alone laugh about it.

She was laughing about how she didn’t believe me.

I know of a few parents who would feel more chagrinned than amused to find they caused their child needless pain. 

I feel for her, in a way, though David Cross is a serious POS and I cannot imagine what she is getting from that marriage. But it’s strange how many men have a seemingly willful blind spot in this area.My bestie is a dude, and when I was talking to him about Roe v. Wade last week he was like “I don’t think there’s

I get the exhaustion though. I do. Whenever I feel something, it’s not enough for me to say it. I have to convince my parents and (later) my husband that it’s true. All of them, by the way, have labeled me melodramatic. It’s never the case they’re blowing me off when I say how I feel in the first place.

I’m in a relationship with someone who is 4 years younger than me (he’s 29, I’m 33), and when we first started dating, we definitely had many a difficult conversation re: race (he’s white, I’m Latinx) and stuff related to #MeToo before #MeToo was a movement. Even those who profess wokeness tend not to fully understand

Every single thing in their lives, probably including their kids, is for social media posts.

As Diosabella posted in the upthread, it has to be a wealthy people-large mansion phenomenon. I can’t imagine having one of those larger monstrosities in an apartment.

That choice was made when Bateman agreed to do the show with Tambor still onboard and when their PR people didn’t insist that harassment questions were off the table.

Alia Shawkat, a younger actor with less clout than Bateman was able to speak the truth in that same room when she said that behavior wasn’t acceptable.*

The defending Tambor thing is pretty gross but it has felt like Jessica Walter a) wants to elaborate and feels she can’t and b) is really fucking pissed about what happened across like three or four promotional interviews/ whatever now. That is shameful. But you know, “not to belittle it.” Eyeroll.

Sublime. A galaxy of ⭐️ ⭐️ 🌟 for you.

This just made me laugh and nod at the same time.

Today is my day off or I would run and make this display immediately.

That tree needed her own copy of Codependent No More. If I were a librarian I would put them next to each other on the shelves.

Every time we read this book, my husband and I tell our kids “anyone who tells you ‘your mother will not mind at all if I do’ is lying. Do not do anything they say and come find me or call me.”