
I clicked on this because that’s the same general opinion I have of pranks, but I recall an interview I heard once on NPR with the guy whose job it was to get the famous people set up to do their Not My Job segments on Wait...Wait, Don’t Tell Me. He said that, hands down, the best celebrity guest he ever interacted

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FYI, you’re arguing with a troll. This guy’s been making new accounts with the name Dwayne in them for the past little while and saying deliberately inflammatory things (then presumably getting banned and going off and making new accounts). This account just started posting this morning. He’s looking for a rise.

John Mahoney’s impromptu dinner date with Olympia Dukakis in Moonstruck. Two great character actors in a timeless scene. Just lovely.

I have a foster kid and while I adore him, I am perfectly aware of the fact he can be a giant asshole. I keep his interactions with my friends who don’t like brief. They know we are doing it because we want the kid to see healthy adult relationships and they are understanding. But never would I allow him to unleash

I was at a friend’s barbecue recently, and there were people there who didn’t know me or my kids. One of the people I’d just met observed me with my three year old and remarked, “wow, you really don’t talk to her like she’s a baby, huh?”


I met a Canadian couple in Mexico this part winter and they were possibly the coolest parents of their 4-year-old kids I’ve ever met. Were chill, but in control and gently mocked the kids and apologized to others when the kids became a handful. If I ever have kids I want to be those two people.

The level of Twilight-zone weirdness of hearing a grown-ass woman saying “Good job, Cayden” in a singsong voice 57 times in a row as Cayden folded a paper three times was enough to drive me to hardcore judging. Sorry. You’re probably one of the chill cool moms without realizing it.

Nervous, awkward, insecure mom here. I always have to remind myself when I’m in public with my kid doing these sorts of activities (that make me super nervous as I’m an introvert, but gotta do it for the kids!) that nobody is judging me as a mom. They’re all just here to create something and have fun, nobody is

same way I feel about people whose email addresses are like “kidsworld” and “kiddos” and “soandsosmom.” Shit pisses me off. You were a person before you because a parent. Do you cease to exist now that you have babies?

It’s a very apt term, because it perfectly describes their thinking: 
“Hell yeah I’m overreacting!! To hell with the consequences!!”

I cannot stand, as in gets under my skin and crawls, when I see people on social media talking using Mama Bear. What do think will happen? Will the world cower and bend everything to suit the needs of their child because oh dear, the fear of that Mama Bear is so strong! Yuck. You’re right, I can only tolerate chill

I had to staff an arts and crafts table for children a while ago, and the level of indulgence some parents showed their mini children was astounding. They’re five to seven; it does not matter if their 5-minute craft is a masterpiece. Make something fun and move on! From children who had never been given a

Having coworkers who would run a vegan restaurant if they had the spare time, and who raise their kids in a ‘free play learning everywhere education system’ (I DON’T KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS)*, I’m going to say that the kid probably did show the patrons its butthole. And the other kid probably did yoddle.

Anytime an adult uses the word “haters” to defend themselves, I automatically assume they are in the wrong. It’s a bullshit word used by bullshitters.

The dirty-footed yodeling child took me over the edge...

I live in Memphis and used to eat at this restaurant until a friend of mine posted about her experience working there - they leave open breastmilk in the fridge, use expired products, essentially just microwave gardein patties and treat their employees like GARBAGE. They have been running wild on social media for a

From baby buttholes to tofurkey sausages, this whole article made me vaguely nauseated.

If I am eating at a restaurant and I see anyone’s butthole, I want an apology and a free dinner. Buttholes are a dealbreaker. And this is regardless of whether the butthole in question is a ten second butthole or a 15 minute butthole. Also, butthole is an intrinsically funny word, so kudos to Chelsea for using it