
No, I went to the events and took the pictures. I was also the one who 'gussied' them all up. There is one very large canvas print that prominently displays one of the many photos stuck up on the walls or their webpage.

Well, could be worse. You could have taken an internship hoping to build a network and maybe a portfolio, but instead get f*cked over rectally and get absolutely no photo credit and treated as an overall photo-bitch. Can you tell I'm still pissed?

Best gift? A donation to the "I have a five year outdated camera that has color issues so I need a replacement/the hipsters have nicer gear than me" fund

I'm not experienced per se, [and you seem to be luckier than I] but you may like a remote shutter release and a nice tripod. Not those 60 buck tripods that break if you look at them wrong, something better. If you feel like exploring [and have the money], maybe a macro lens or a fixed lens with a really nice wide

One day I will have money to upgrade from my t1i

I'm going with 'meh' I bought my ipad during tax-free august after much pondering on the wait. Turns out I'm fine.

Not like your shutterstock picture, that's for sure.

One of those evil things narrowly missed me in the shower. One hour of hysteric screaming and flooding the tub with pesticides later it finally died. It took me a week to start showering in there. With this experience came the discovery that kitchen showering is not fun

Can I move to your country?

Last time I flew, it was delta coach. I had to practically shoehorn myself into the seat because the person sitting ahead of me decided to lean back already.

I've crossed over that grey area several times. My school's bookstore offers price match +/- 10% when selling/buying texts. I screencapped the high buyback price that amazon was offering in January and used it in May. In my defense there, you get like five bucks back for a two hundred dollar book.

This is what handbags are for. I remember in the yonder years my uncle would take my cousins and I to the candy store next to the theater and then we'd all hide it in my oldest cousins bag. Ah, unethical memories.

I've been thinking about getting one, but aren't they getting an update soon?

they need to update a good chunk of this stuff imho.

It's $6 for u-verse [or at least that's what it says on my bill] I've just come to accept it.

Sad fact: my university has a really nice DSLR, 5D II, and all the only mode they use is Auto.

I just want a job not in retail.

Lightroom 5 student discount

you should see his response. Either he's a troll, or something special that I would like to never meet in real life.

are you one of those 9/11 conspiracy nuts?