
"I'm used to treat my Canon DSLR with the utmost care"

It's a depressing fact that FRIENDS don't INTERACT with each other over the phone. Because, you know, if someone is trying to, say, reach them to tell them something important... And then he/she doesn't answer ever. Kinda makes them not a friend doesn't it.

Great, not I can't feel my eyes.

I won one of these from my university's "Hogwarts Week" competition. Yeah, my school looks like hogwarts, thusly a hogwarts week was created.

My problem is less me and more that my friends are the introverted monkeys.

Just a protip for college students: Don't forget that there's food in the fridge, it is possible to vomit at the smell later

great, another reason for people to start pinching me

It's just frustrating that I had the deal in my hands, but I have to get permission from the parental units first. Because I waited for the permission, I missed out on the deal.

yup, it doesn't work anymore

wow! what a coincidence! I happen to be going to one of those overpriced schools too!

the frick do you go?!?

cream of mushroom soup. 'nuff said

meh, for the skinny only of course.

Aw, and I had my 'doom' sign all set up and ready.


Does it come with rabid apple fan-nerds?

reminds me of that trail of poo that fish have connected to them when they decide to poo

I like my sony iPod dock clock

Hmm, there needs to be one for backstabbing and snarky friends

We all know whose hand that is