
Zombie Polar Bear + Toggling Flame Swords = A+ episode.

I distinctly remember when I had that revelation earlier this year.

Why did Paul Weller get hit with the shrapnel? Did he bang your sister or something?

Don't get the hate here. This show is engaging and I've binged watched most of it in a couple of days. Much more of a B+.

Huh? The show explores themes of drifting apart in a marriage, rationalization of immoral behavior, the slow boil that leads a person into danger, etc.

Furkat camps. but doesn't own a tent and is running off to drop a couple large at REI.

Yeah, I got called into HR when I responded to an email about a company outing. Live and learn, I guess.

I'm going to sue the Glow writers for plagiarizing my Mad Men ship fic.

If they got rid of the anti-white-dude jokes too, each episode would be 3 minutes long.

Not to mention all the heterocaucasoidphobic jokes!

I, for one, can't wait for the spinoff show Jonah Repeatedly Hits His Head on the Ceiling. I would tune in every week for 30 minutes of that.

Should we rent a church?
“No need,” Goldie tells them. “We’re in one."
Thud. Reaches for the remote.

Really? What the fuck did we ever do to him?

It took a second viewing for me catch the faded "Jon*h Ryan" t-shirt on the refugee child.

I'm still scrubbing the Rye off the wall from my resulting spit-take.

I've got to give this show another shot because everyone seems to like it, but Jesus the opening was so tedious I gave up on it. Warmed over, 300-esque, CGI, cartoon violence.

This was my first "watch it twice" episode of this season. Selena's depression, Richard's Devil's handshake…

Sooo…is every season finale of this show going to have a scenery chewing denouement between the two leads?

A "B" from both the AV Club and the plebiscite? Harsh.

That is so unlike him to express a douchey eulogy.