
I might get shit for this, but A.I. was the only movie I walked out on (and I got no standards, I made it through The Exterminator 2). The classic Spielberg, "Wait that's not really the ending…let me tack on something even more cloying."
I just was done with it and had to walk out.

What? No Tia Tequila?
(Sorry, I just came out of a 10 year coma)

As guilty as I feel rubbernecking a custody hearing, I absolutely cannot get enough of this story.

Even a middling episode of Veep is still a good thing.

TWD is paced so glacially, how would they do the math for a time jump?

Dumb question (having not read the book): Was Perry literally Jane's rapist or was her look of recognition just that she could see the violence in his character type?

I thought I was going to hate this show, but I binged it to completion last week. I enjoy seeing Timothy Olyphant doing charming screwball comedy.
The overall tone is like "Malcolm in the Middle" but where the mother is actually a monster…but it's good for her growth.

I'm not gay or nuthin' but I could watch Timothy Olyphant read the phone book. It's pretty enjoyable seeing him do screwball comedy.

In passing, I think it was mentioned that he was such a moron that he robbed a gun range.

I really tried with Transparent, but that family was just so relentlessly insufferable.

Binged and done! Awesome show. Achieved the feat of having a ton of characters who were all interesting.

My favorite episode was that one where they made it seem like the characters were living a dream inside a memory inside a story inside another dream inside an emotion, only to reveal that it was in fact a story inside a dream of a memory inside three stories squared!

I don't know why the comment board isn't more active on this show. It is the only new show that I look forward to weekly.

Painfully unfunny episode. It's almost like the writers just ran out of gas after a couple of decently funny ones.

I _think_ I see what you did there…

Insurrection above First Contact? Wow…just…wow…

It's a good gig…if you can get it…

In the original she was complete turfed from the courtroom for it.

Sorry, "Criminal Justice" (had the name wrong in my OP, corrected now) is on hulu. Also a sequel with an unrelated self-contained plot.

Kinda. IIRC, UK = More of a random stranger from earlier in the evening (almost too convenient from a plot-standpoint).