Zoricus Archer

I relived a key portion of my childhood by watching the Back To The Future trilogy on Spike; to this day it's second only to the Star Wars original trilogy as my favorite film trilogy of all time…

To make it really boring, er, safe, do the drinking game with the Family Guy crossover, which I know was technically a FG episode. The catch there is that Harry Shearer wasn't involved in that episode at all…

The Simpsons has already had a great run; I say this current dispute with Harry Shearer (who, let's be honest, is irreplaceable) should be all the excuse Fox needs to finally allow the series to bow out with dignity. Seriously, I want to see the show end its run gracefully and within my lifetime…

Three's Company is a show I enjoy now on multiple levels; I can enjoy it both as a show that never pretended to be for anything but laughs as well as the way it nicely encapsulates many aspects of the late 70s and early 80s. The slapstick humor works in any era, and the jokes were simple, yet effective. It's a shame

I would have liked to have played This Is Vegas; it was put on hold after Midway went under. Apparently, no other publisher wanted it, so it joins so many other coulda-beens in vaporware heaven…

"Uncle Grandpa" sounds more like the title of a show that should air on CMT…

Next up: Grimace loses over 100 lbs. after only eating McDonald's salads and grilled chicken; Subway claims it's been done…

Interesting, I've seen side-by-side comparisons of the British Kraft Mac & Cheese, which I believe they call "Cheesy Pasta", and the US version. The British version does not contain the artificial coloring of the US version, yet I saw virtually no difference in the color. I can't account for the taste, though, since

Turmeric is also what gives mustard its yellow color, presumably this ,along with the paprika and annatto, will give the mac & cheese its distinct yellowish-orange shade. At any rate, as long as it tastes the same, it doesn't matter to me; then again, I've always favored eating quality over presentation…

The only thing Fred Durst is guilty of shitty music for brain dead white trash who find ICP too cerebral…

I officially stopped reading the comics section when Calvin and Hobbes ended its run for the final time; unless Mr. Watterson comes out of retirement, there's just no point…

"… while Spocking Canadian five-dollar bills isn’t illegal, it’s also not very nice."

Yes, that was the first film they showed; I agree that it's probably his most underappreciated film with excellent performances from Pam Grier, Robert Forster, Samuel L. Jackson, and others. IMHO, it was also noteworthy for being the last good film that both Robert DeNiro and Michael Keaton would star in for a long

I watched the Tarantino mini-marathon on IFC and I participated in a few online discussions about the recent passing of Leonard Nimoy; yeah, I don't have much of a life…

No runner-up for Family Guy or Futurama for the letter "F"?

Actually, I think Nathan Fillion's cameo will be all the more memorable because it happened in such an episode, though its impact maybe somewhat lessened. Then again, it seems like the cameo was supposed to be low-key in the first place…

So how long before we see Man Getting Hit By Football starring J.K. Simmons winning Best Picture?

I watched William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet for the first time with the girl I thought I was going to marry back in 1997; things didn't end well between us. It would be years before I could watch that film again without lamenting the lost love of my life…

They had me at "immortal cannibal Henry Rollins"…

Yeah, wrong Georgia-based artist…