Zoricus Archer

The real Eazy-E would be ashamed of you for misappropriating his name…

I believe that all human lives matter regardless of color, profession, or nationality. When you get down to the core of it, there's only one race that matters: the human race…

The Hangover, duh…

The episode was mostly lackluster due to piss poor writing. Weekend Update was the one bright spot, as usual, despite Cecily Strong's overlong bit; I even got a genuine laugh from the "News From the Future" bit, despite being completely unfamiliar with the musical guest. I also give them high marks for excluding

I think the only reason Tin Machine got so much hate is because it wasn't "Let's Dance, Part 2" like so many expected at the time; those are the people who just didn't get what Bowie was about…

It was awesome the way Bowie pretty much did whatever he wanted and still made a shit ton of money; RIP David Bowie…

RIP to Lemmy; quite possibly one of the most awesome people who ever existed…

I learned that from Roseanne over 20 years ago…

Well golly gee; who knew a series about a necrophiliac serial killer wouldn't find an audience on a broadcast network? As much as I love 80s nostalgia, I couldn't even make it through of episode of this dreck without rolling my eyes countless times at its utterly atrocious execution…

It does seem a bit knee-jerk on the part of CBS; then again I can understand their perspective and that they'd rather be accused of being knee-jerk rather than insensitive…

That really is horrific; if such a place as Hell exists, these vile terrorists just made their reservations…

And now we wait and see how long it takes before Fakes News finds a way to blame this on Obama…

Actually, that was because the movie sucked ass, from what I heard. Doesn't surprise me, seeing as how Hollywood can't even make a decent film based on the good 80s cartoons (He-Man, G.I. Joe, Transformers); did they really think they'd do any better with a mediocre 80s cartoon?

Sounds like Patrick Lynch needs some ice for his serious butthurt; I have no problem with cops who do the job they're supposed to do, but the ones who appoint themselves judge, jury and executioner on the spot need to be dealt with, and by "dealt with", I mean face criminal penalties for their actions. We're not

I would say the Simpsons, cliched as it might be. My dad definitely had some of Homer's traits, such as his blue collar job as well as his love of beer and early baldness. There were only two kids in my family, though, those being me and my older brother; he was like Bart in his underachieving ways whereas I was a

If i had a nickel for every time Leno prefaced a punchline with "Lemme tell ya something folks", I could retire comfortably, which this long washed-up hack needs to do already…

I actually liked Streets of Fire; cheesy as it is in some spots, it's still arguably Walter Hill's most underappreciated film…

"All Over the World" was also played over the end credits of Paul to greater effect, IMHO…

Well, thank goodness it's the 1978 original rather than Rob Zombie's lackluster remake. Nothing against Mr. Zombie, but he really should stick to music and leave film directing to others…

They were a creepy three notes, though; it really set the tone, IMHO…