
She once referred to Nanjiani as “the worst”. Considering that she was working with TJ Miller (who is a violent monster) and Middleditch (apparently some kind of pervy sex predator), what does “the worst” mean? Like, he used the last of the coffee creamer? Or he’s a serial killer?

so glad to hear that the guy who did Hardcore Henry, which is just the definition of “batshit fun gross action movie”, gets to do something with a real actor who apparently wants to expand himself as an actor. Can’t wait to see this.

No. Did he have a gun? Did anyone see him shoot? Would they have done the same to a white male who just had his wife shot? No. No to all of it. 

Connie Nielsen should have been more of a thing.

extremely excited to see this - hope there’s more than 3 people at the theater when I get around to it, this one’s clearly meant for yawping audiences

I buy such games 2-3 years later. By then, bugs are ironed out, there is a GOTY edition with all expansions and the price is right. I see no downsides.

The solution is kind of simple.

I watched ZSJL and enjoyed it a lot. To me, it improves everything I found that I didn’t like about the theatrical release. If you’re not a fan of the Snyder look & feel, you will probably hate this because it’s everywhere, especially the slo-mo/speedup stuff, urgently plaintive music, and hella desaturation - I am a

Absolutely loved Justice League Snyder Cut. The characters are better, their arcs are more touching and the action is stunning. Hell, even Steppenwolfe suddenly made sense as a villain and was given depth. What I found extremely interesting/baffling, though, was what was changed for the Whedon version. Almost all the

The movie has actually been praised for its strong character work, and I’ve seen harsh critics turn their mind around for Snyder because of it all over the net.

Fallout 4 is a better open-world shooter, NV is a better RPG. It’s odd to recommend FO4 as an RPG but then again, the term “RPG” is used pretty loosely these days. There are people who call Assassin’s Creed and Horizon: Zero Dawn RPGs.

I’m mad New Vegas isn’t available on the PC. Never played it but would love to.

I think I’d still recommend new vegas over fallout 4. Sure it’s older and thus, not as pretty. But it’s actually....good. Despite sinking maybe a hundred hours in 4 I don’t think I could call it a good game. At least not without mentioning a lot of its flaws.

This review makes me kinda want to see a movie I had no interest in before. Kudos 

I kind of get lost trying to remember the stories of Unity and Syndicate. Very few of the “endings” of AC games have stuck with me over the years. Of course AC1 and AC2 have the most memorable ones because they set the standard.

But if we’re talking about best story and ending together, I think I might give that to

I had Ezio do nothing but grapple Rodrigo, toss him to the ground, and then repeatedly nut-stomp him to death.

Remember when Assassin’s Creed games were about Assassins?

Pepperidge Farms remembers...

There’s nothing wrong with creating a world with a ton of stuff to do completely independent of not just the main quest but the side quests as well (looks fondly at Skyrim and both Red Dead Redemption games), it’s Ubi’s insistence on tying all of this to a gamified completion% that people will obsess over that runs it

AC2's ending is also incredible for the WHO IS DESMOND?? moment that Ezio gets shortly after kicking the crap out of the Pope. 

I have no doubt there are plenty of scripted moments, but I’m not quite as cynical about their public personas. My wife has connections in Waco who have known them before and after and all the show really did was (as this article suggests) amp Chip up to 11 and maybe sand some edges of Joanna.