
Alice Cooper is the real deal. See him live. It’s worth it.

I was thinking more like Roadside Picnic, aka Stalker.

This is like a weird variation on the Streisand Effect, right? Nobody would’ve said a single word about this joke or this show if Taylor Swift hadn’t said anything first? Now this show’s probably gonna get a MASSIVE boost in viewership and pop-culture relevance because of it. I don’t know if its been renewed for a

Bruhhh this is so embarrassing. Imagine being as rich and successful as this and still giving a shit about a throwaway line from a not very good netflix show. Just go take a bath in diamonds or something, Taylor. 

Smart people don’t have a chance in hell in the GOP.

I loved the Murder Show bit because I recently had a long conversation with my students about why women love true crime and now I get to show that sketch to them. It’ll break up the next zoom. 

I binged The Outsider as part of my “we signed up for 6 months of HBO Max because of WW84 & a discount” tour. I really really enjoyed it. Very slow burn, the score is amazing, terrific acting. I’d say it’s firmly in the upper tier of Stephen King adaptations/screen works. I’m actually 100% OK with this not getting a

As I enjoyed last week’s episode, I was hopeful about the same energy carrying over, but I was not eager about Nick Jonas, who is mostly just vacuous to me (with my strongest feelings about him amount to being annoyed at how much gaybaiting he did in interviews for his old TV show).

Now playing

I watched Chocolate. Was going to try and post a longer, more considered, comment on it with regards to the recent controversy about Sia’s film, but still tired after first covid vaccination shot side effects. Briefly: Fun, some bone crunching stunts, some featherweight fighting though outweighed by good stuff. With

Entry 2 in my ‘Why the hell doesn’t AV Club cover For All Mankind’ reviews - along with brief thoughts on Shadow and Bone. Spoilers ahead.

Superman & Lois shows you can give Superman emotional weight without making him a deadbeat stalker or a joyless Jesus symbol. I enjoyed its premiere more than expected.

I always thought she and Nicole Sullivan both should be way bigger and well-known now than they are. Both very funny.

Yep. I have no idea if SNL ever reached out to her or vice versa, but SNL would have been smart to pay her whatever she asked for and hired her on ASAP after MADTV.

Debra Wilson was easily one of the best performers on that show, always consistent and commited, and if there was any justice in the world she’d be a huge star today.

For many, he was an example of what more equitable storytelling might look like, a model for how to create compelling women protagonists who were also very, very fun to watch.

Peak 2021: When people don’t understand the basic difference between sex and gender and just shout “trust the science” like a fucking moron.

Exactly when was Gen X *ever* in charge? The Boomers never stepped aside for us. We were told “work hard, go to school, and you’re sure to succeed,” only to find that a lie... sound familiar? We did what we could, but no single generation can wave a magic wand and create a utopia.

At least they’re not awed by snow that won’t melt.

Something to also note Gen X is a smaller amount of people than the Boomer Generation so despite their influence on things it was also the minority in comparison. The Boomers had greater representation and power within society. Truly the millennials who are all adults now could easily take over and sway society over

They’ve already failed. Blaming the previous generation for not fixing their problems is how you know.