
She looks like Wayne Flower’s Madame.

You are my people. I came in looking for Mnuchin, because of the blonde trophy wife generic lady photo.

I read Worst Couple, leapt to Mnuchin and his trophy. Then I looked directly at Gwen Stefani’s photo and thought “Whatsherface Mnuchin looks different every time.” Is this dementia?

Oh. I thought Gethard defended the movie Garden State and was curious what avenue he took to do so. I couldn’t care much less about the actual state

I don’t know who that guy is but I keep seeing Michael Emerson.

America’s worst couple is surely McConnell/Chao.

LOL You’re not alone in that confusion.

Re-watched the movie Signs on Amazon Prime. Say what you want about the script, but Shyamalan has craft. The tension and dread just mount. I wish the man would just direct from scripts written by other people.

To get the positive comments on the board first, I think most of the cast was collectively strong tonight, as they have so often been in ways that don’t really get a lot of attention because they tend to not be properly used. Even without Pete (such a heavy hitter this season) or Chloe (is she OK?? I figured she’d

I thought the combat in Warrior Within had its moments but in general I wasn’t interested in a Prince of Persia game that had such a strong focus on combat. I wanted combat to be a quick, bouncy, button mashing affair in between longer periods of platforming. With Warrior Within, I found myself just spamming the sword

I believe you mean ‘12 Monkeys’ Emily Hampshire, Emily Hampshire’

Transforming into a good boi and jumping up and down is the most Bone Gnawer Ragabash thing I’ve ever seen.

I can’t think of Trent Reznor without thinking of his totally gracious and starstruck response to Johnny Cash’s cover of his “Hurt”. I obviously don’t know the guy, but I have to imagine that helped him along in a serious way.

Reznor has been pretty public about the fact that he was a drug and booze-addled mess in the 90s so I wouldn’t rule out some bad stories surfacing from then; unlike Manson he seemed to largely turn into a decent human being after drying out

I don’t care what lane they pick, I am anti-Cardi.  

I spent the week steaming through Star Trek: Below Decks. It’s great fun, and much better than the launch trailers suggested, and most importantly, it’s more of a proper Star Trek show than the “Quick, the audience is starting to think! Blow something up! of the Abrams movies and the “all feelings, all the time” of ST

I hated that part. Narrative guys can say whatever they want, but as a whole it sucked. Never remove my hard-earned gear. Never.

I’m one of the few people who liked ACIII, and I hated Vinland.

If Godzilla doesn’t kill them all in the end, then HARD PASS.

Sounds like they’re really stretching out the origin story!