
They don’t want a trial in the Senate because they would have to go on record as to whether to convict or acquit him a second time. They’re only worried about their miserable skins. 

Kevin McCarthy says that Trump acknowledges his responsibility for the riot. Trump says nope, his speech was perfect.

Look, it just seemed like a lot of you weren’t picking up on the subtext earlier.

Too bad Sudekis didn’t cheat on Wilde & get himself proclaimed King.

I got to see Miyavi live at Anime Boston 2019, aka The Last Anime Boston (hopefully not ever), and he was pretty cool.


I have the three volume Chinese Foreign Language Press. Both podcasts recommend the Anthony C. Yu translation instead, so I plan to read that next. It’s also multi-volume.

Now playing

Not sure if a classic of medieval Chinese literature counts as pop culture, but I’ve been immersing myself in Journey to the West since October. That was when I realized Sun Wukong is my favorite fictional character of all time. I picked the novel back up where I’d left off over fifteen years ago, not coincidentally

I think that Tavi’s arguments are not very sound, because she’s basing Kloss’ inactions on money and frankly, we don’t know what Kloss did behind the scenes to “try” to change their minds. It could have been a lot. I think your perspective is more valid, because we would enjoy the inter-family roasting that ensues :)

You know, I’m not so upset with Karlie on this “resistance” thing. If she’s tried to get her point across, it’s enough. I don’t expect her to get between two brothers, regardless of how reprehensible one of them may be. She’s going to have to cope with Jared and Ivanka and their spawn at family gatherings & stuff and

I was thinking the same thing - Gevinson is full of shit here. Kloss can’t make them do anything, and we have no idea what the relationship between her husband and his brother is like (given the shit that Jared Kushner’s dad got up to, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s not a lot of love lost). All she can do is take

“Resistance Barbie” is a very sick little burn, 10 points to Tavi.

Let’s be fair. Sorbo was correct. Those asshats are definitely not patriots. But they are most assuredly Trump supports. Everyone knows Antifa has much more panache.

I call horseshit on Gevinson’s “sick burn.” I don’t have any strong feelings about Kloss as a celebrity in general, but as everyone has noted, Kloss is married to the non-evil brother, and as everyone has also noted, there’s jackshit you can do to change the mind of a true MAGA Kool-Aid drinker, family or not. She has

I just read an early draft of Raimi’s Spider-Man (with Electro) and the origin lacks the moment where the promoter rips him off (“I missed the part where that’s my problem.”) Without that, Peter comes off like a real dick. Dude gets robbed and Peter lets him go just because. That little smirk Tobey gets when he throws

The craziest thing is that the basic plot of Spider-Man 2 had been done in previous movies (Superman 2, Batman Forever) without it ever working as well or as clearly. The thing in both of those movies is that Superman and Batman wind up (briefly) quitting in hopes of a reward—a “normal” life with a woman—before

I once had to write a piece for a mag which was using a lot of quotes with very, very strong language, so asked the editor what the policy was, and he replied one or two asterisks as I saw fit. So did the piece, working very late into the night. e-mailed it, and got a very nice reply next morning asking me to just

Also, why do some daemons speak and others don’t?

Does Coulter know how to drive a car? Because when she asked for Boreal’s keys I was very confused about how she intended to drive it, but I guess she made it there okay? Did she have to parallel park? I want to see those scenes, dammit.

Just so everyone knows - the Angel that Mary was talking to in the lab was none other than Sophie Okonedo, one of Britain’s finest actresses (yes, I have a bit of a crush on her). If you’re wondering if you’ve seen her before, you have if you’ve watched Doctor Who - she played Liz Ten in The Beast Below. The voice