
I’m a dude and I want to drop kick every person who do that “why don’t you have kids yet” bullshit. My wife usually does that Clockwork Orange stare.

More like a movie about a bunch of Wolverines

The whole movie is an unfocused mess.

Wasn’t this, like, just a movie about a bunch of Highlanders?

It’s amazing just how dedicated the Trump admin is to being a “A hot mess, inside a dumpster fire, inside a train wreck” until the very end. On Biden’s inauguration day, we will probably find out Trump has been selling state secrets to the Saudis or some shit.

I think Barr just wants a nice restful three-week stint on the sofa, starting January 21, wrapped in a blanket, wearing flannel pajamas and fuzzy bunny slippers, eating out of a five-gallon bucket of peel-and-eat shrimp and swigging from a gallon jug of Macaroni Grill table wine. Let’s give the guy his time before the

I can say for certain that she doesn’t care about the people, or reporters, or anything except the orange rump’s opinion of her. 

I don’t see this take a lot, but it is a correct take.

My female friends hate it when they walk by a construction site and the workers there yell things like, “Hey, did you know that Adams passed the sedition Act of 1798 that prohibited the publication of false, scandalous, and malicious writing about the President and Congress, but deliberately omitted the Vice

One recent discussion I read (as a gay dude) argues that being gay isn’t necessary to play gay for a couple of reasons. There’s nothing physical about the role that prevents straight people from playing it (as opposed to, say, a white person playing a black character) and insisting on a certain sexuality demands an

I will be excited, right along with you. My first vote for President was for Bill Clinton in 1996. My mom was overjoyed to take me to meet Geraldine Ferraro when I was in elementary school, after she and Mondale lost the election. As a middle-aged, dark-skinned Indian woman, I still get thrilled when the messenger is

I mean, we can’t even forgive bernie sanders for not being what we thought bernie sanders was. 

Nope, I’m going to celebrate that qualified, experienced people are back in those jobs AND that they’re majority POC. It wasn’t that long ago none of these jobs were held by women. I was just hitting puberty when the first women held the jobs of Attorney General and Secretary of State, and that being the Clinton Admini

Joe Biden can do no right, I guess.

I don’t think “but I’m white” is an adequate defense. No one’s saying that Cline needs to suddenly make a rousing novel about the “Black experience in America,” but I think if you’re gonna make it as an author, you probably should have some level of self-awareness.

Eh I found Etherelda’s storyline by far and away and the most boring. If she had never appeared this season, the season would’ve have been any better or worse. This season of Fargo was the weakest, but I still enjoyed it overall. 

The core problem—that the novel’s vision of geekdom focuses entirely on the favorite media of cishet white men—is more difficult to address.

I've had my eye on this game because I want a good BotW-like and Genshin Impact just didn't scratch that itch for me. This one sounds more my speed.

“Assassin's Creed, but with a manageable playtime and more FUN" sounds right up my alley

Michael B. Jordan’s a better choice, Obama. Dude hasn’t been creeping on teenagers.