I hadn’t heard of Rumble. Thanks for posting and for reminding me of this
I hadn’t heard of Rumble. Thanks for posting and for reminding me of this
The beauty of Lolita’s writing is how well Nabakov uses an unreliable narrator. Humbert is never not a monster, and Nabakov cleverly shows how a rapist romanticises his abuse. There’s a scene in the book where, after the first night Humbert rapes Dolores, she screams, cries, and tries to escape. It helps show how…
LOL at these media talking heads talking like Donald Trump actually wrote this tweet. No ALL CAPS, no grade school spelling errors, and he called her “Emily” vs. “Tits McMurphy”? Yah, no way. He was clearly sobbing in to his pillow with a pint of ice cream mashed with Big Macs and a candy dish of adderall, while some…
*Woody Allen has entered the chat*
FWIW, Trump is a coward and a liar. During his time in office he has passed almost no legislation and his E.O.’s have all been either dumb (created by his advisors) or very dumb (one’s he has had a hand in); his response regarding COVID was born out of ineptitude and fear. Now, that doesn’t change the lives of the…
I really enjoyed Josto and Gaetano being buddy-buddy as brothers for a few episodes, which has been a way more fun interaction than Gaetano looking around at stuff creepily. Gaetano being the reasonable one in various interactions was fun, too.
It’s about the Georgia Senate seats. They need Trump’s base to win those two elections. A major breach between the establishment and MAGA World would probably result in a lot of GOP voters staying home in disgust.
Oh, go soak your head. She just refused to be bullied into spraying her pronouns all over the place. This is now a hanging offense? Trans people may not be crazy, but the ridiculous a-holes who advocate on their behalf surely are.
Since they believe the race is rigged Republicans should just not bother voting anymore.
Is it wrong of me to hope he dies, or at least ends up on a ventilator? With the exception of Herman Cain, all these Trump admin people get it, and seem to fine, include Trump himself. It’s not fair.
Please quit calling women “bitches.” That word as an insult is done and should be retired.
Did you know that Julia Stiles was extremely embarrassed by her stint on The Madalorian?
“like holy fuck can people not be interesting anymore”
When you’re reading these scripts, are you thinking about the message you would be putting into the world as far as how women are portrayed onscreen?
I’m going to go against the likely grain here and say...you should play through the Ezio arc—AC II, Brotherhood, and Revelations—before you get to these. Those three may not be what the games have become, but they, to me, represent the narrative heights of the franchise. ACII took what worked from the first game,…
Most films are pretty light on plot. Complex plots are fairly rare. The scene writing and arc of the characters tends to be more important, even in dramas. Plot is largely overrated. Video games can excel at moment to moment beats in a scene, and in the last 20 years character has become the major focus (when it isn’t…