Zelda Pinwheel


“The ladies love it!”

Even with a fat lady?

Once, when I apologized for my unshaven legs during the early part of of our courtship (‘cause after like seven dates that shit is out the window unless I feel like it), my now-husband said, “Men don’t care about the rough, they just want to get on the green.” Now, my husband is neither a golfer nor a dudebro, so I

I don’t know if this is true about Madonna, but I totally buy it as plausible. She’s imperious, to say the least.

Good teacher. That is difficult.

I taught high school English for seven years, and when I was actually reading from a text I would say that word. Other than that, even when we were specifically discussing the use of the word, and its hurtfulness and offensiveness, I would not say it. When I discussed with my seniors discussed the evolution of

He STOLE A SONG FROM U2. Seriously, Google it. I’m not even a huge U2 fan and think that is the most disrespectful bullshit a “producer” could do.

I think my sister has this piece. She’s so trashy.

I wouldn’t spend 17 *minutes* with Ben Stiller for all the tea in China. Hope Christine Taylor goes on to a fabulous life.

Thanks for sharing!

Zomg. I meant to type “denim”! That’s funnier, though!

Whatever, Debra.

THANK YOU. “I’m allergic to demon and piqué.” So ridiculous.

Couldn’t’ve happened to a nicer guy.

No shit! I would watch Colin Firth eat a plate of spaghetti for two hours, and happily fork over the eleven dollars to do so.

I’ve told the Mr that if I die, I expect him to hit the dating scene AS SOON as he is able. We have a two-year-old, and right now, I believe she would be an asset. I want her to have a mother figure, and I don’t want my husband to struggle alone. The younger she is, the better the potential outcome.

She needs a better-cut shoe. I have the same problem, and the only solution is being picky, picky, picky.

Agreed! CM seems to go for flowiness, though, and I thought something more like the dress I showed would play up her pretty décolletage and give her that flowy feel.

Shaun, the superior Cassidy!