So he has to flush the toilet a dozen times to get the copious residue of his KFC binges around the U-bend, and no amount of showering is enough for him to feel clean.
So he has to flush the toilet a dozen times to get the copious residue of his KFC binges around the U-bend, and no amount of showering is enough for him to feel clean.
Whoever decided to start putting them in cookies is my sworn enemy.
Raisins only belong in raisin bran and nothing else. Eat them by themselves or in raisin bran.
I don’t think she can be either unfortunately. She definitely can’t be president because she wasn’t born here and while you my knowledge the VP can be not a native born US citizen I don’t think it would be practical for someone to pick her since the whole point of being VP is that you’re there to succeed the president.
This whole name change is CP.
In this economy, he was probably working as a back up camera smh
I mean, she was a cop (okay, District/Attorney General), but I wager that’s one reason why she was selected. Police Brutality is prooooobably going to be a hot button issue going forward, and Kamala can (theoretically) appeal to both the BLM movement because she has spoken out in favor of police reform, while saying…
I like Harris’ executive experience, and Abrams was only a state legislator. Being a DA, then an AG, then a Senator is great background for being a (hopefully) Shadow President.
Amen to that. Splinter gets worse and worse when viewed in hindsight. I still miss Deadspin though
I have my beefs with some of her policies, but she was definitely the best and smartest choice given the current climate. We are definitely going to party over this in the Carib. I’ll order extra ox-tails.
Welp, I think that’s tone deaf & missing the bigger picture. I say fuck those who want to pull that shit on this black woman - child of immigrants - who worked her ass off to become the Attorney General of California.
I’m ready, lets vote that choad out! Go get’em Biden/Kamala!!
Great! Now get him to shut the fuck up until the convention and then until after election night.
In my opinion, the problem with Ms. Abrams is lack of experience. I am impressed by her and hope she has a long career in politics. Once she has some experience she might make a great president.
Okay, so can we get a promise from Jezebel not to tank her and Biden both with the “Kamala is a cop” stuff?! Lots riding on this ticket, folks.
My first choice in the primary is now the #2 on the ticket. I’ll take the win.
I work at the University of Utah so I am very excited to have the debate here.
Ok so that’s everything from the 90s rebooted. We’re done now.
“and, at times, a little difficult to believe—specifically, that this particular Kansas coach comes packaged with such a diverse and crowd-pleasing set of pop cultural reference points to inform his endless (and, yes, usually funny) folksy analogies.”
Sudeikis himself made his early comedy bones in Kansas City, so it’s…
I’m also sure that at some point early in his teens he got rejected by some Latino girl or minority he had a crush on.