All of these come straight from the factory like this, murdered out bobbers are still very popular.
All of these come straight from the factory like this, murdered out bobbers are still very popular.
I’ll believe you that it’s lovely to ride, but you’ll never convince me it’s lovely to look at. This is one of the ugliest motorcycles ever IMO. Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder.
The Grand Wagoneer has to be a regional/coastal thing because around here Wagoneers can be picked up for around $1k-2k all day. Granted they’re fairly rusty, but still. Even really nice ones are around $10k. Here’s some examples;
When my wife and I started dating I already had 3 motorcycles, two of them not running. One was (is still) a project that I intend on selling, and she told me that when we were married and I sold that bike that I could only have two bikes from then on. I just laughed and told her good luck. That was three years ago,…
If I keep pestering my wife about buying an old pickup, she’ll either leave me, or let me buy an old pickup. I’m hoping for the later.
So I could actually do shit with it, like hauling an ATV or motorcycle without the need for a trailer.
So hows this going to work several years down the road when these are sold of to the public? Obviously citizens aren’t allowed to have police lights on their vehicles, which makes the traditional light bar very convenient, just take it off. I’m curious to see how these lights are disabled when the police are done with…
I’d spec mine with a 6.5' bed, but Ford wont let me.
I love these kinds of articles! Keep em comin!
Still wish it had a....
Houses can only have names through college after that you can no longer name a house unless you’re super rich and have multiple houses. We named our houses mostly as a reference to a time period because three of us were room mates for three years, and two of them were roommates for five. The first house was “The…
So basically you just want it not camo. If it were me, I’d give it a light sanding then rattle can it a flat tan color, with maybe a flat white for the roof. It’s simple, quick, cheap, will look better than it does now, the flat paint will hide some imperfections, and if you scratch it just keep a can or two on hand…
Why do you think that the personal relationships would die? The actual dealership likely wouldn’t go away, it would just be owned by a different person/company. So instead of working for Big Jim of Big Jim’s Ford, the salesmen/women, finance people etc. etc. would work for Ford Motor Co. They would still be there, in…
Not big and red on a Harley
1) A rolling bike will easily balance itself, that barrier just kept it going in the same direction.
You have a ‘64 Crew Cab? Consider me insanely jealous.
I was in Colorado in February and was going to drive this road, it was getting late though, the road would take us and hour in the wrong direction, and there was a good chance of snow. At the time I was really disappointed that I didn’t get to drive it, I’m no longer disappointed, I’ll go back another time.
And sometimes the salesman accidentally talks shit to your face.
If someone doesn’t quite know what they have and the price is really good I don’t think you should feel bad for getting a great deal. Very likely the owner just wants it gone and would just be happy to have the space and see someone appreciate it. I don’t think it’s right however to lie to the owner about the value…
Like a ton of other people here, every vehicle I’ve owned or been around has worked the same way, high beams on, fogs lights automatically shut off, low beams on and the fogs come back on with it. The fog lights are never on at the same time as the high beams, by design (and like others have mentioned, by law).