
I will admit that for a while, I wasn’t much of a helmet wearer, except for on some longer trips, and I can honestly say that riding helmetless in jeans/boots/t-shirt feels amazing and is incredibly fun. After getting used to that feeling, wearing a helmet and the proper gear feels extremely confining and makes me

They round up or down to the nearest nickle.

Looks like the ad has been edited and they removed all of the flaws of the car. I was going to give it NP, but that just screams sketchy to me. CP.

I’m sure it’s better than the non adjustable Aquatronics head unit and the two, front wired, but sitting behind my seats, unenclosed, 6" Bose speakers from 1995 that are in my 924. Which I should also mention is missing the radio antenna, so the only option is my phone on an auxiliary jack, which isn’t even it’s own

Here’s one in yellow, mine actually. Yellow looks pretty good I think, but I’ve honestly thought about using this car as a learning tool for body work (because it definitely could use some) and painting. My top choices are either green, or its original silver.

I’ve thought about painting my 924 green, this looks really good actually.

I think you just check the box for new title.

That costs money, and I think it would look better without. I have thought about updating them with newer style badges though, which would at least hide the miss matched paint better. The ones I want to remove are the fender badges on my ‘99 F-150.

That’s the only thing stopping me from removing a few badges from my truck. The emblems are getting faded and make the truck look more aged, but after living outside for 17 years I’m very afraid that once I pull them off I’ll have a badge shaped area of very nice paint and it will stand out even worse.

Yeah, been there, filling out the paper work is the way to go. When I bought my 1950 F3 without a title I tried to ask the lady at the DMV counter what to do to get a title she was absolutely baffled how I could have bought a truck without a title, from the non-original owner, and kept going on about how was this guy

Not a problem. Coincidentally I was just doing more research on this just the other day. I did happen to know where my truck was last titled, or at least I thought I did, so that’s where they searched. After a little more research I happened across SD statute 32-3-64, which you should look in to. What it is is for

I don’t think so. Even though it’s moving the taillight profile is too wide, just the outer edges light up on the Aurora, and the entire center section is reflector as well. If the two lower reflectors are lit up it would seem reasonable that the center would be as well.

Kinda what I thought, but I’ve seen enough people not wear masks that I was curious.

I’m not sure what kind of booth they were in but don’t some of those fancy ass downdraft booths not require the use of a mask?

Let me stop you right there. The Espada is gorgeous and you are wrong. But I respect your opinion, even though it’s wrong.

I had to scroll way too far to find this. My favorite Lambo as well.

+1 Been there. File that story under, “When a ten minute oil change takes an hour”.

Coincidentally I recently bought a ‘79 924. Too bad I cant afford to go to Germany.

That F-1000 Deserter really intrigues me. Swap on the US face, and a Bronco top and Ford would have had every thing they needed to compete with the Suburban. Instead, a handful of Broncos got shopped out to a conversion company while the Suburban completely dominated the market.

I prefer these for socket organizers, but rails work better if you need to bring the whole set with you.