
+1000. You just made my day. Dad has an old wood handled, square shaft one of these that we constantly fight over because it’s the best damn screw driver I’ve ever used. I just figured it was a high quality old screwdriver and I’ve tried to look for matching ones forever. Now that I know what they are I’m going to buy

That’s the one!

Ah, I see that now.

My guess is 1. It’s hard to hide the track. and 2. Bad minivan stigma.

Like this, but the seats come with them? I swear I’ve seen that before, also doors that pivot, suicide style, with the seat attached to the door.

They’re called suicide doors for a reason.

I’ve always been into cars, long enough to the point that I don’t ever remember not being into cars. According to my mom it all started with a book she read me as a baby/toddler/small child. The book was “What Kind of Truck” and it was my favorite book, I made her read it to me all the time. It’s a short kids book

Could be, all I know is that it’s quite a bit larger than a T50.

That’s much bigger than a T50. I just got done doing a seat swap in my truck and after breaking 4 T50 bits, I am quite familiar with their size. That’s gotta be closer to a T80

They’ve already started. I was looking at a few before I got my 924, and even the crappy ones with jacked up rear ends and sketchy carbed 350 swaps are twice the price I sold my (admittedly fairly rough) ‘89 for a few years ago. I don’t think they’ll ever get crazy expensive, but they’ll definitely go up.

The whole front end is different, I’d imagine that the crash structure underneath is identical, but apparently different fenders, hood, and grill are enough to warrant individual tests.


I agree!

Is this a hint? I think it’s a hint....

Clean and simple, just blue, black CF wheels, blue calipers, hints of blue in the interior.

I’m not disagreeing with you, but why do they call semi’s 18 wheelers, and not 10 wheelers?

As an engineer I find a lot of joy in designing my own trailer to perfectly fit all of my needs, namely a small, but longish (because backing a short trailer sucks) lightweight trailer that can perfectly nest two three wheelers, or two motorcycles, with room for some boxes for gear.

Besides, if you’re a true jalop, you can find the joy in trying to get a small hatchback to carry lumber, or going off road in the mud with a Mustang, or picking people up from the airport in a 4o year old truck. Those times always make for the best stories too.

Eh, he’s comparing it to some standard in his head because they do indeed turn. I didn’t mean to directly quote him, but I suppose I could have worded that slightly differently. The point that a pro racer who spends nearly all of his bike time on some of the best bikes in the world doesn’t think a Sportster handles

In further news: HD shocks analysts when total revenue dropped by only %10* after the closure of their manufacturing facilities.