
That’s the thing though, they say it’s completely independent and doesn’t hook into your ECU at all, so it has no access to those other sensors.

Sure, but how is it going to differentiate between my Harley and my open pipe XJ750? At best I can see it being able to “guess” which gear you’re in, but monitoring RPM, no way. In order to correlate speed, and gear into RPM they have to know what kind of bike you’re on, and precisely how it’s geared, which, while

I believe everything except knowing the gear or RPM. There’s no way it can tell that just by sound. It could maybe listen for certain sound patterns ie. “shifts” and guess what gear your in, but even then that’s pushing it, and could probably be confused very easily. Sounds amazing otherwise though.

Because a bit of work isn’t worth $100,000+...especially to a small town church... Might as well throw them in the trash. Just burn the house down too while you’re at it. Better yet, because work is so hard, just burn them with the house. /s

I want a dentside supercab with a short box in the worst way. I saw one once and fell head over heals.

This makes sense, there are still a couple that seem out of place in this though. I think what they did was go with a lot of “firsts”. The 4th generation was the first Unibody, even though it only lasted a few years. The 6th generation was the first extended cab, even though a standard cab was much more popular, I’m

This truck has been in our family for 16 years, I grew up in it riding in the back seat on our annual fishing trips to Canada, I basically learned to drive in this truck, I shared it with dad my last few years of high school, bought it from him when I went to college, and drove it throughout college. I’ve met all my

The key is to crack the engine block then park it in a grove before the rust has a chance to completely devour it, and even then the floor boards are still gone. This is one of I’m not sure how many in South Dakota, because I’ve only ever seen one other, also sitting next to a barn, and it was gone by the time I got

There are always exceptions to the rule. Good call. Plus I’m pretty sure that was too far gone to save.

I think I would rather have the Cobra R, no logical reason, I just really really like the Cobra Rs.

Maybe he is on to something with building a wall and getting Mexico to pay for it. He’ll work with Mexico to develop a wall at the border and promise to hire Mexico and Mexican workers to build 50 more walls when the border wall is done, one wall for every state. Then once Mexico has finished building the wall he’ll

The movie car reminds me of the recent “restoration” and sale of the first General Lee. The first car was a quick and cheap custom done to some college kids base model Charger, and they restored it meticulously to that condition, poor over-sprayed paint, tilted numbers, small engine (cant recall what it was) and even

They weren’t, it was a tribute in perfect Mythbusters style where they went big, and then went home. They had the fastest high speed camera they’ve ever had on the show film an explosion and shock wave (which was absolutely amazing) they replicated the cement truck explosion with the biggest explosion they’ve ever

For me it depends a lot on why a car is in the condition it is, and how historically significant the car is. Personally I like to consider the condition, and the reason behind that condition first, then its significance, because the reason behind the condition could be part of the reason why it is significant. For

Even then there’s electronic ignitions and fuel injection kits for nearly any car.

Taking it apart and putting it back together is easy. Getting it tuned correctly, that’s the hard part, especially when there’s more than one.

My guess is due to the growth in popularity in extended cabs and crew cabs. Though they could have been more consistent instead of switching back and forth a bunch.

Personally I’m partial to the first gen:

+1 Being bored at work.

I don’t think the V-Rod was ever meant to be a cruiser like the rest of the line up, it was meant to be a muscle bike, at which I think it does a pretty good job. And it was a departure in the fact that it had a 60° liquid cooled V-twin, a far cry from their tried and true 45° air coolers. Styling was, and still is,