
No, I know it’s not supposed to be a superbike, just a little surprised that power is about on par for an air cooled 750 from 30 years ago, but emissions will do that to ya. Torque does make a difference though, despite what some people think. I love high torque bikes where it’ll pull hard at damn near any speed, in

To be fair, Harley has shown that they want to change, over and over and over again, with bikes like the Nova concept, the V-Rod, the Street Twins, and the Livewire concept just to name a few. The problem is that no one seems to want to buy it, because their main customer base is old and old fashioned and resist

Thanks! That sounds pretty much like what I expected, which is a good thing. I’ll probably look into a second seat for longer 2 up rides, and a detachable windshield and bags if I buy one, but right now it’s at the top of the list.

They just keep on fighting though because their customers don’t like change. The big twins in the Touring bikes now have water cooled heads while the rest of the engine looks basically the same, so they keep finding ways to make it work. Personally I think it’s time for a new engine, I fully believe they can make a

That’s...surprisingly lower than I thought, my ‘82 Yamaha 750 dang near makes that. Emissions standards I assume?

Scooters, and especially touring scooters can swallow a hell of a lot, that is an impressive haul you did there.

To be fair, you’re not buying a bike like the Lowrider if a big concern is luggage and storage space. For that you’re looking into either a Dyna Switchback, a Softtail with bags, or a Touring series (assuming exclusively shopping for HDs). Like I mentioned above though, there are throw over bags, permanent bags, or HD

How do you like the Wide Glide? I’ve been looking into either that or a Lowrider (preferably the WG though because well just look at it) as a step up from my Sportster. How does it do on long distances? Ever done any two up riding with it, and if so how comfortable is it for a passenger? Does it handle confidently

Backpack or quick detach saddlebags. I have a Sportster and agree, there is zero storage space, but a cheap pair of throw-over bags don’t look terrible and are extremely usefull. Or you could just bungee chord stuff to the seats, I got several bags of groceries, a gallon of milk and a case of pop home that way on my

Don’t loose the enthusiasm, just ignore all the assholes who think what they like is better than what you like, and find some good riding buddies who don’t care what you ride. My group of riding buddies is so varied it’s dang near humorous, the group includes an XS650, a Victory, an R6, an FZ1, an 83 Shadow, a newer

That’s a hell of a deal, and thanks for serving. Victory makes a great bike, and I’ve ridden a friend’s and really liked it, but they’re just about as expensive as a HD, used ones at least, and they’re a touch over styled for my taste, that’s why I’m leaning towards a Dyna.

The used HD market has flooded lately and cheap Harleys are everywhere! Perfect timing too because my wife actually wants me to buy a bigger bike so we can ride together more.

I was the one who asked that question, and at first it seemed like a no brainer, the Octane was the better choice. I was under the impression for a while that they would be basically the same class of bike, but after more reviews and more research that obviously isn’t the case. I still love the Octane, but it is a

No kidding! I’ve thought about picking up a dirt cheap AMF Sportster for the hell of it, but they’re damn near the same price as EVO Sportsters!

Thanks for answering my question! (this vs. Octane) I’ve been torn for a little while on what bike I want and lately I’ve been leaning back towards a Dyna. As much as I would like this bike it’s a little rich for my blood so I’ll be looking into used Dyna’s. At the moment a Wide Glide is at the top of my list, but the

I’ve always liked the Sport Trac, I considered one as a first car, but I really wanted the second gen with the V-8. Sadly those were way out of budget range.

4.8 gallons? Pshaw, that’s huge! /s Try 3.3, with a 1 gallon reserve, I don’ t think I’ve ever put more than 2.5 gallons in at once.

I’ve been meaning to redo that bike (for about the 4th or 5th time now) for a while, and when I do it’ll get a nice gps speedometer. It’s not my primary bike, so for now I just wing it.

I put an aftermarket speedometer on my bike and didn’t really check gear ratios (because I had no idea at the time) and you’re absolutely right, the ODO, seems to be off by maybe 1/10 of a mile, every mile (it doesn’t actually display tenths, so I’m guessing, but it seems pretty accurate) but at highway speeds it

This happened to me too when I took my truck in for the rusty gas tank strap recall (jelly bean F-150s). When they called to tell me it was done the tech said, “We did a free inspection and it looks like your brakes are getting a bit worn down, would you like us to replace them?” I just told them, “Nope, got the parts